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Oh wow, the points thread


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I just realised that it's basically a historical artifact (though it looks like half of it's been deleted). I REMEMBER the issues we had with the mods in the Bore, back then:


It is driving you absolutely nuts that the point thread is not stickied, isn't it? And Roka I'm in love with you.  :-*


But yeah, I don't care. This can be the point thread. I need to send Seggie another email to see about getting the mods on this board fixed. :P



Also, I REMEMBER making this post as a lame justification for giving Hax points; sadly I don't remember the reason I gave him points anymore:


There seemed to be some confusion about Hax, myself and the joys of sewing.


Hax told me how awesome sewing was on MSN, you see. :)



And finally, I like this post:


70 points to pandy, 'cus I'm feeling lazy


The page where we keep track of points... Pandy tells Bob that he's giving him 20 points for being a suckup... Pandy then goes to the points page and posts that so Moggy has record of it without having to read every single post to see who gave who points when.  It also makes it easier for us to keep track of how many we've given out/have left.


Pandy don't feel old! I remember it too!  I also remember that we slowly trickled away points on stupid things to simply keep spamming the thread.


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