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I r troll?


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So i made a post on a WoW lj community aimed at the female WoW player.  It got deleted and i'm accused of trolling.  This is what i posted.



Totally did not have a math test this morning.


Last night in AB:

Xexah = Me


[battleground]Openhand-Dath'Remar: some pets do crazy hard damge now

[battleground]Inthereboyy-Thaurissan: so does my dick

[battleground]Câstiel-Khaz'goroth: lol..

[battleground]Câstiel-Khaz'goroth: classic

[battleground]Xexah: my boobs do double damage

[battleground]Xtwentythree-Kilrogg: pics or it didnt happen

[battleground]Awkändä-Tichondrius: technically ur boobs do quadruple..cuz if both of em do double then thats qudruple right?

[battleground]Xexah: no it's double cause i have 2 boobs. assuming each boobe does x damage them i'm 2x damage

[battleground]Xexah: i can't believe i just math geeked like that

[battleground]Xtwentythree-Kilrogg: it was hot


How did i troll?


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Methinks the WoW forums are so full of males that they get confused when females post.  And, of course, any post which discusses boobs must be written by a male and therefore requires deleting for sexism.  /nods   ::)


The mathgeek comment made me LOL  :)

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