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Feast of Fools: Novice's Gather Here!

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*tasting the broth in the kitchen Senexx thinks it is missing something, a lot of something.  When the Mistress of Kitchens back is turned, he adds some pepper, garlic and chilli to the mix


Has another taste and smiles approvingly*

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Hi there Beckey, welcome to insanity the clean up crew! What would you like to clean??


Edit: Lor, you put those reqs back how you found them! You KNOW favortism is forwned upon at the WT!!!

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Guest dragonsworn1991

*Walks in and bows in a freshly made white suit*


Sorry for being late MoN.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I feel special and a little afraid. *Eyes get wide* Are you going to use that on me, mistress Adella?  :o :o :o :o

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Guest dragonsworn1991

*Lets out a sigh* That's a relief Unless she finds out about my certain escapades on the tower grounds

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Is there something you SHOULD be telling me?! *MoN face*


Not for the betterment of my health ma'am

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