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Amadine promoted to Darkfriend


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Guest dragonsworn1991

I really don't know why she would have chosen this faction with you at the chosen position Ed. You are irresponsible, and bring nothing beneficial to the social group. You just keep incessantly spamming, and telling jokes that nobody thinks is funny. You are really juvenile, and need to grow up. Don't get me started on the pillow either we all know what kind of farce that turned out to be. I really wish you would resign and just stick with fiddles so we wouldn't have to see you around the groups. You are not sophisticated nor elitist enough to do this group justice. Why don't you gigglesnort in a corner.

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  • Club Leader

I completely agree with Pete, here. I'm so glad you aren't in our faction. I wouldn't want all that spam. And you really don't contribute anything. You're posts are 90% nonsense. And as a mafia player, you've never done anything but annoy me. Your modding is horrible, with all that posting from your phone. You can't keep up, and I have to do half your job for you, posting vote counts and stuff. But the most annoying thing about you, Ed, is the leg humping. I mean, really! Are you a dog?


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