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RP Ideas for the AJah

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My warder is LOA till he can get his internet in his new Apt. fixed and so I don't know when that will be...however, he is okay with me NPCing him till he gets back and can see the thread so its a go on that end.


I agree that getting bunches of permissions on this is not the way to go especially with the upcoming change over. Short of having something like Jade suggested maybe something that's just been IN the ajah a long time. Yes odd to hide that but maybe it was a gift from someone long ago maybe just after the breaking or something and its kind of like a symbol for the Ajah. Maybe the NPC was taking it from one place back to the tower or something?

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What's Rashima's journal? If its been around long enough and has Ajah secrets yeah that would work for me. :) I think we found a thing if Lor agrees. So now i'm excited, I should get a phone call from the warder tonight so I can figure out how long i'm going to be "playing" him. LOL

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If I remember correctly and granted it's been awhile, Rashima's journal has the basic creed of the Greens, the traditions etc, she is the one we look up too. That's why we have her statue in our secret garden etc. Ohh and off to my parents for the night so I won't be around to post on this till tomorrow night. Have a great weekend everyone. *hugs*

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I find it hilarious that I was about to suggest some kind of document or book that has a record of Greenie things and here I found you've already found us one, Jade! *grins*



OK, so Kyn's a go, too (he's already pestering me about what we're doing... *laughs*).


So, I'll corner Nyn via PM for that ok.

I'll sketch up an NPC (anyone have the wheretofor's for how to get one of those approved handy?) and get it put in for approval this weekend, too.


My goal is to be up and writing by early next week. Work for you?




So, here's the plan, with the things we've discussed added in:

Thread 1:

Lor gets a report from one of her contacts in three towns near Mardecin. Based on the information inside those reports, it seems the White Cloaks are heading towards it, though we're not sure why. If ya'll want to throw in reports from any contacts you may have in the area, too, that just solidifies our reason to need to go rescue Rashima's Journal, which was hidden there to keep it out of the hands of other Ajahs.* Lor takes her info to Jade to press for someone to go move Rashima's Journal. Rasheta barges in on that meeting with information from her own contacts that supports the information in Lor's reports. We put our heads together and decide we have to go.


(Rashima's Journal:)

Rashima's journal has the basic creed of the Greens, the traditions etc,


Thread 2:

We leave for Mardecin, dragging various wardies along with us. We travel to Mardecin and we can toss in whatever other little issues that pop into our heads that we want here... snakes, broken bridges... -No trollocs-.


Thread 3:

We get to Mardecin and have to sneak in to retrieve Rashima's Journal. The White Cloaks have beat us there, though they're looking for something completely different/"spreading the Light..." whatever!! (we should probably hash this part out to make it believable, so it can be something we hit Nyn up for...). This is where someone's gotta die (NPC and some little WC soldiers...). Seriously, I want something to make a really big boom... I'm a little blood thirsty, atm, and I need an outlet.


thread 4:

We haul butt back to the Tower OR find a better place to stash Rashima's Journal.


*I'm not married to this idea for why the Journal is not inside the Tower, anymore. If ya'll can think of a better one, I'm all for it!




So, does that look like it's about right? We can start a thread in a public area to connect with wardies and Nyn so we're all on the same page, too. :)

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That looks good to me.


Saying it was hidden there to keep it out of the hands of other Ajah's is plausible because who would look for it in the country of the whitecloaks? But if you don't like that idea totally hmmmmm maybe we hid it there because there was trouble and needed to hide it in a hurry?

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sometimes red tape dont need to mean massive red tape, run the idea by and it dont always need to be ironed out in detail if it dont seem to involve to massive stuff


but having it there and having oversight is not nesicarily bad, i do remember being new to dm and being in both wt and sg, and both was murmering about the other div being stuck up and gooders that killed or got away with far too much on the other div...


bad blood between divs does not create the easiest or best rp enviroment either, i have not from wt in my time but other divs turned down unrealistic trolloc butcherings, so even those since they are playable need to be kept an eye on ;)


on another note though being stuck in a boring apartment, while you seem to got this covered as the three grenies of rank or whatnot, do you have all warderly chars signed up? will it be opened up or something? cause i would love to rp some, got too little of that of late (if there is room dont want to intrude, but got a half wacked TG sitting around somewhere)


Lii aka cema (the ghosting green)

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I'm sure we can dream something up, but the nature of this RP would mean we want as few people from outside of the Ajah going as possible. After all, we hid the thing for a reason and a warder bonding someone who isn't Green, but knowing where we stashed it would defeat the purpose of stashing it.


So, what can we get our ghostly greenie into so we can get you on our report? *winks*


Speaking of which, I need you to run by the July Report thread and post any RP's Cema's involved in so they can be put on our report. I also need you to drop in her full name for the same reason. :D THANKS! :D

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well see cyrain is my revamped tanitsja a warder char i killed off when the limit was one char per div as i wanted a warder warder and not a tg warder, and tan just wasnt ...how shall we put it... warder material (she frankly wouldnt care to even know where or why she was going, she is honerable enough to do a good job and interested in her line of work to the degree of training and such as she would be a bit of a trill seeker, but social wise she is a party girl without too many inhibitions)


though understandable if you only brougth green bonded warders for such a mission, and as for cema just going on a tea visit i think for now, got a retro rp we planed for her i never got around too but yeah thats a bit too heavy for me atm as i think it still needs some work out before ready to launch


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OK, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was doing research for getting the NPC approved and can't find anything that says we have to get her approved. None of us will be playing her (ie, she's not a third party character) and she's going to die. Am I mis-reading something, somewhere??

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Nope, you wouldn't need a bio for a Non Playing Character.




* NPCs (None Player Character) This refers to characters that do not require a bio and are only used to pad out an RP. By padding out I mean something along the lines of Innkeepers/stable boys, incidental people. There is no growth of these characters, they simply fulfill a purpose. Example, Bob (a PC) goes into an Inn in TV and talks to the Innkeeper, asking how to get an audience with the Amyrlin. The Innkeeper replies....once the PC has the info he wants, the Innkeeper's part is over.


I can't recall exactly now what non-PC characters you're wanting to use, but I'm pretty sure you could get away with making them all NPCs, not NSWs or TTPCs - would make the whole process quicker.


You're all experienced enough WTers to know how an AS would behave, but if you're unsure if you're NPCing Whitecloaks true to form, just ask Nynaeve - she's very quick on answering.

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I've sent Nyn the Plan for her ok and input and even asked if anyone over there would like to play along. It might be fun to make an enemy you have to watch out for. *grins*


And yeah, that's where I saw that, actually. I can't imagine we'd be doing more with girlie here except dragging her along and then killing her off. *smirks* heartless witch that I am...

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Hello. I've read through this thread. I have spoken with Lor and from what I understand I am able to join this RP if we can figure a logical way for me to be involved. I am green, but I would not be aware of the location of the journal/possible even its exsitence. So basically your little sister wants to tag along and I'm pretty sure 'mom' say I can go! :D

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*ponders* Awesome. Ok so let's work the ideas through here and see how to include you. I want for sure for you to get some rping time in with all of us and what a wicked cool first out of the Tower trip. So let's see, there are some options. Jade has been running the Ajah and handling the Eyes and Ears of the Greens for years. She's been looking for someone to train to do Eyes and Ears for a long time. Perhaps Kat could be that person. Or ummm they could take her with to help with any fighting. LOL ok I am out of ideas at this moment.

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I had a freakin' awesome idea that might be fun, if you're up for it, Kat!


What if we tie this trip into your Battle Weaves? I don't know if you wanted to do that one, but you've got three veteran, battle-scarred Sisters here who are really good at twisting wicked weaves together. We could call this "on the job training..." ;) Sounds like a good title for the 2nd thread, too...

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I had a freakin' awesome idea that might be fun, if you're up for it, Kat!


What if we tie this trip into your Battle Weaves? I don't know if you wanted to do that one, but you've got three veteran, battle-scarred Sisters here who are really good at twisting wicked weaves together. We could call this "on the job training..." ;) Sounds like a good title for the 2nd thread, too...




Oohoohoo that sounds the opportunity of a lifetime for Kathleen....but I just thought of the time line, and unless we fudge it in the main time line I'm 90 so I'd have been in the ajah for a few decades. If we could make it work I'd love to do it and incorporate the battle weaves, but I don't wanna mess with time line stuffs.

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LOL ya that's why I didn't suggest the BW stuff, because of the Timeline. I figured by the time she is 90 or so, it's viable for Jade to train her for Eyes and Ears and honestly I don't feel the need to hog Head of Eyes and Ears, Sitter, and Ajah Head. *G*

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