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Red Ajah Rosebud Awards - RESULTS


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Red Ajah Rosebud Awards



Good evening!


I say 'evening' because all these posh and fancy events happen in the evening, so pretend that it is evening and it will all make sense.


Ladies and Gents, the results are in!


We are pleased to announce that we had quite a turnout for the voting round and there are a few pretty close calls in some of the categories. They tied and switched and turned and tossed daily, like a shopaholic with enough money to buy only one piece.


But in the end, each category emerged with it's supreme winner and the ones that will take home the first RARA Awards in the History of Dragonmount!


And now, on to the Awards!






Every Ajah and Discipline in the White Tower organises on occasion what is called an 'Org-wide Event'. These events can take the shape of any form of activity, are open to all members of the Org (and in most cases even partially to non-Org members) and usually consist of different threads with different activities. They are very varied in type, style and contents, but always a lot of work goes into them and most times there is a team of different people collaborating to make it as fun and as successful as possible. This is also one of the ways for our aspies to gain some of their raising requirements in order to move up the ranks to become Aes Sedai or Der'Manshima.



In the category of 'Red Ajah Best Org-wide Event' there were 2 nominees:


  • International Women’s Week 2010 - Organised by Torrie
    IWW Team: Torrie, Tynaal, Marta, Amadine, Auld Manriva
  • Autumn Fair 2008 - Organised by Talya
    AF Team: Talya, Mystica, Daetirion, Elgee


check out both events: link


And the winner is......


*carefully opens up the envelope, one never knows what might pop out*























Torrie, Tynaal, Marta, Amadine, Auld Manriva

;D Congratulations ;D


*Waits for the winners to come up on stage and hands them each a Rosebud Trophy*



all of you and of course to everyone that helped making the event what it was by participating!!  



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*waits for the crowd to settle down and the smoochieround to be all smoochied out and the beaming winners having returned to their seats*


Very well done, all of you! ;D


Now on to the next Category.....







From time to time a Red gets an idea. Now, anyone knowing the Reds knows that things can get um interesting when they get ideas. Fun for some, funny for others, scary for a few, yes. But always interesting. These strokes of geniuses then take shape. Passion is poored into the mix. Determination grabs hold. Fangs get polished and the Reds emerge from their quarters in the Tower with a mission. It is quite a sight to behold, as the Sisters and Brothers of the Red glide down the Hallways and not a few novices and algai scatter in all directions to avoid becoming the center of the Reds' attention. Which is a bit strange really, as more often than not those same novices and algai would have visited the Reds that same morning or afternoon, practically begging for a bit of Red Attention.


But something extraordinary happens when a Red focusses on a mission. They are suddenly surrounded by a strange sort of illuminating nimbus that has nothing to do with the One Power and can be seen by all, channelers or not. Their eyes start to glow with a special kind of light. A mysterious look comes over their serene faces. It could be a smile, or a smirk, or a predator sensing it's prey, or watery eyes from getting up too soon in the morning. Whatever it is, there's no mistaken it. The Reds are up to something.


Inevitably, the purpose of the Red(s) is revealed as they give form to their thoughts and a random activity, event or occurance springs to life in random locations.


The nominees for 'Red Ajah Best Random Activity' are:



And the winner is......
















;D Congratulations! ;D


Will the following people join me on stage please:


Kara, Mystica, Dragonsworn, Tynaal, Meeshal, Mirshann, Taymist, Torrie, Elgee, Tigara


The Captain General of the Green Ajah (Kara) and the Highest of the Red Ajah (Mystica) distributed a range of disciplinary actions to a bunch of unruly misfits during this event. Above are those that have successfully finished their program and have been fully rehabilitated. They were brave, they were determined, they were total brats as per usual, but they did it! ;D


*hands a Rosebud Trophy to each of the Dungeon Graduates as well as to her Head Sister and keeps one for herself as well*



Well done everyone!!! ;D ;D ;D


*Arches an eyebrow as an immediate debate errupts between the dungeon graduates over who's trophy is the prettiest.*




They're all the same, you woolheads, now get off my stage!


*Shakes her head as she watches them, still arguing, climb down the stairs and get back to their seats*




Right, so on to our next category







A discussion thread is traditionally known as a thread that is created to discuss (doh) a certain topic and variations of that topic. The members of the White Tower know that no one takes the art of conversation to such high (and exhausting) levels as the Greens do. They can literally talk an army of Trollocs to death, while sipping their afternoon tea. The Reds have a much more direct approach and as for tradition, the moment you try putting a Red in a box is the moment that box gets blown into smithereens. Reds will discuss what they're interested in, when they're interested in it and wherever they feel like discussing any topic of their choosing. This may be in a pre-made thread especially for a specific topic, but it may also not be. And so Red Discussions can be found in the most unlikely places.


The nominees for the 'Red Ajah Best Random Discussion Thread' are:





And the winner is.....





















;D Congratulations! ;D



The Dear Reds thread is characterized by it's random nature in which anyone from the White Tower can post random 'letters' or 'notices'. Sometimes these letters are responded to, sometimes they are read without response, but always they are noticed. This style of communicating is very typical for a Red and therefore it comes as no surprise to us that this is the winner of this category over the more organised discussion threads. Eventhough many more people have voted than there are Reds.


Will the following Reds join me on stage:


Zania, Talya, Taymist, Moghedian, Mayleigh, Torrie


These ladies represent Old Reds, MediumOld Reds and New Reds that have been consistently active in the winning thread over the last years and so have demonstrated one of the links between the ancient Reds and the newest Reds on Dragonmount. Though some of them may be scarce in their Ajah home, they have been a consistent presence and keeping the thread going and interesting for the many visitors that drop by and post their happenings to share with us. Of course, they are not the only ones, but they are the ones that have been the most consistent from the first page up to the current page (93).


*hands each of them a Rosebud Trophy*


Well done, my Reddies! ;D



*gives and receives much snugglebites and a few very wet licks and waits for them to return to their seat, while toweling off her cheeks*



I think I may need some decent moisterizer by the end of this thing...  :-\



The next category is.....





All work and no play makes a Red stay away. It's as simple as that. The Reds LOVE having a good time and will often be found plotting like a Blue on some mischief or other (sometimes WITH a Blue), usually dragging totally innocent people into their scheming ways and corrupting the vulnerable minds for all eternity. It is a job and a half keeping this lot in check, I tell ya'. I should get an award just for that alone.....


But, it is also a known fact that laughter is good for you. It is a natural anti-depressent, stress reducer, wrinkle improver (you don't get less wrinkles, but they're much prettier if they're made from laughter) and makes people pay attention to their dental hygiene. So all in all, a very good Healthcare system all wrapped up in a good laugh. And the best part? It's free! Doesn't cost a cent!


The nominees for the 'Red Ajah Funniest Thread' are:





And the winner is......

















Weekly laugh, grin, chuckle


;D Congratulations! ;D



The Weekly laugh, grin, chuckle thread is a place where people can post funny things to brighten up each other's day on Fridays. Let's face it, whether you go to school or work or are a stay at home parent, everyone can do with a little laugh on Friday!


What many of you may not know is that the Red Ajah has an Honorary Red from the Warder Guild. One that has proven over many years that he has a deep rooted affiliation with the Ajah as a whole (not to be confused with being bonded to a Red) and for whome the Red Ajah is a second home. This thread was his idea and so it is fitting that he should receive this award.


I'd like to ask Raijin to join me on stage.



*snugglebites the Phoenix Heart into next week before handing over the Rosebud Trophy*


Congratulations handsome! ;D


*waits for Raij to return to his seat and waves one of the Red waiters over to bring her a strawberry Daiquirri*



Alrighty, that concludes the section of the threads and events. We now move on to the individual Awards.



First up are the RARA's for Non-Reds and we start with...






Tower Residents of the Aes Sedai path know that it is a difficult process finding their home for most, as everyone has at least one or two streaks in them from one of the Ajahs they don't end up in. So too is the Red Streak widely spaced throughout the Ajahs and even into the Warder Disciplines.


The poll results for this category have been on a constant move and it was an extremely close call between all the nominees and there was no way to predict which way the ballet would swing in the end, so obviously people feel that all nominees have quite a decent amount of Redness in them. But there can be only one winner.


The nominees for 'Non-Red with the biggest Red Streak' are:


Raijin, U4EA, Kara, Mirshann, Nynaeve, LilyElizabeth



And the winner is....
















;D Congratulations ;D



*waits for Mirsh to join her on stage and hands her the Rosebud Trophy after having properly snugglebitten the Gray Sister into next week*


*Grins as Mirsh's hands are glued to the Trophy*


Little something to remember me by ;)


Congrats Mirsh! ;D



The next Category has two sides to it and I'll be doing them both simultaneously.


RARAMostActiveNonRed.png                                    RARANonRedWarder.png



As history shows us, White Tower members (especially the Aes Sedai pathed ones) tend to stick to their own boards mostly once they are raised to Seniorship. Understandable, since that is their home and the place they feel most comfortable obviously. Still there are those that will venture out and do the occasional visit on the other boards as well. It is one of the Red Ajah's greatest pleasures to see non-Reds feeling so at ease at their board that they keep coming back and to see how easily these visitors settle into the general atmosphere of the Ajah and it's residents. Ever since I've joined the Ajah it has been clear to me that we do get a great many visitors, most of which keep coming back and become regulars. Almost like extended family members. Both from the Aes Sedai and from the Warder path.



The nominees for the 'Most Active Non Red Aes Sedai' are:










The nominees for the 'Most Active Non Red Warders' are:






Al Jen




And the winners are......





















MIRSHANN - Aes Sedai

RAIJIN - Warder


;D Congratulations! ;D



*waits for the two of them to join her back on stage and can't surpress a little chuckle seeing Mirsh struggle with her hands glued to her previous trophy*


Congratulations you two! Very well deserved indeed! Don't worry, Mirsh. I have a sollution for your predicament.


*hands the Rosebud Trophy to Raij and glues Mirshann's to her chest*


There you go! You look stunning! ;D


*chuckles at the Gray's glare and waits till the laughter from the crowd has subsided while the two take their seats*



Our next category is







Many new members to the White Tower are surprised when they find out that, yes, Red Aes Sedai bond Warders. But more of that in a different category later on.


A Red Warder is special. There's no denying that fact. Not only do they need to overcome their preconceptions they may have from the books but they also need to have the type of personality that can deal with a DM Red. And be dealt with by one. These men and women (though they're only men at the moment) understand that to bond a Red is to bond a free spirit, a strong and most times opinionated individual,  a person that will claim their freedom of choice and follow their passions. So it is that a Red Warder may find himself being temporarily abandonned by his bonded when she's off in the big wide world doing whatever it is she's up to. Not an easy thing to deal with, for sure. But that independent streak is part of the appeal to which most Red Warders are drawn. Most times, they possess it themselves and as a result, they enjoy spending time on the Red boards even if their bonded is not around for the time being.


The nominees of the 'Most Active Red Warder' (on the Red boards) are:






Bad Company




And the winner is......
















;D Congratulations! ;D



*gives Tharen his Rosebud Trophy and snugglebites him properly into next week*


Congrats! ;D


*waits till the shouting of 'rigged!!' and applause settles down and waves a waiter over again with another strawberry daiquirri*



Right, so that concludes the awards for the Non-Red individuals.


We now move on to the Reds themselves.



The next category is







Those of you thinking that this is an odd reward to be given to one's own Ajah members...... You don't know my Reds then.

When you put a bunch of strong minded, independent, passionate, and mischief proned misfits that all love a good joke together, there's bound to be fireworks. Throw in a devious, morbid, weird and surprising sense of humor and you got yourself a coctail for destruction. The destruction of your jaws, sides and eyes from all the howling laughter and laughing fits you'll be subjected to.


FUN TIMES!!! right?


WRONG! For who gets to put these woolheads back on the straight and narrow? That's right......... me! Lemme tell ya'..... Mother does NOT pay me nearly half enough of what I deserve. *flips hair*


Anyway, here are the culprits that keep me on my toes. (the Mystica in the list is not me, but my evil twin)


The nominees for 'Red Most Likely To Get In Trouble' are:









And the winner is......



















;D Congratulations! ;D



*waits for Elgee to join her on stage and glues the Rosebud Trophy to her forehead*


This is NOT a 'get out of jail' card for any future misbehavior, now, you hear? *wags finger at her African Queen*


Congratulations, Miss Trouble! ;D


*watches as Elgee struts back to her seat under howling cheers from the crowd, the trophy jiggling on her forehead*


I better stock up on my disciplinary ideas...



Right! Settle down you lot! She's gonna be a good girl today or I'm taking away her algai experiment priveleges!



Next Category.....





As those of you who have read the other Awards know now, yes...... Reds do bond. They bond Warders and they bond Aes Sedai as Souvra'dar (Soul Sister/Brother). Some bond only once or a few times over long periods of times, while others reel in bond after bond making it appear as though they are starting a collection. Let us be perfectly clear on this, however...... Whatever a Red expects from their bond(s) is that individual Red's personal business. As with everything else, Reds reserve the right to make up their own minds as to what they are looking for and how they find it. Which means that each Red has their own opinion on how 'they' personally view bonding, but they also share a common belief that everyone has the right to 'their' personal view. As such, we don't judge others and don't allow others to judge us in turn. In other words: it's no one's business but those that share the bond and their already existing bondeds.


Having said that, there is no denying that some Reds have developped quite an appetite for bondeds and we're all amused when we see one of our ranks hook another fish on their leash. ;)


The nominees for the 'Red Most Likely To Bond' are:







And the winner is.....




















;D Congratulations ;D



Can Tynaal and ALL her bondeds join me on stage, please!



*anxiously waves the stage director to her* Do we have an extension to this stage? Just in case it's not big enough to hold them all???



*gets squished into the microphone as Ty and her army of minions join her on stage*


Congratulations hon! ;D


*manages to hand Tynaal her Rosebud Trophy over a sea of heads*


*almost sufficates from being squished*


GET...... OFF.......THE.........STAGE!!!


*gulps in big chunks of air as the Ty Throng marches back to their seat* Fwew!...


Next time, I'm letting another present this one. Now where was I? *weaves Air to round up her papers that were scattered all over the place from the onslaught*


Ah, right, next category!






So we've established several times now that Reds are known for their free spirit and independent nature. If you've missed that, then you need to read the other Awards first! This independence shows itself in numerous ways, but one of the most visible ones is that Reds have a tendency to roam. They roam the world, they roam DM, they are notorious wanderers. Luckily though they always find their way home, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the device I implanted in them during their Aspirant days, which is just a foul lie. I would never do that!


*checks pockets to see that the remote controle is still in place*


Fact is, you will find the Reds in almost all corners of the world and DM. Some more unusual than others, but always they bring to that place their fabulous uniqueness and quickly become a force to be reckoned with. There are those Reds that do it with gentle love and care and others with zapping devices but whichever their method of operation, they always leave an impression and more often than not end up being a valuable and well loved member of whichever group they infiltrate. Um, join.


The nominees for 'Red most likely to be found in strange places' are:









And the winner is....





















;D Congratulations! ;D



Talya is a member of the Band of the Red Hand but spends most of her time trying to keep those Black Tower folk in check since she has taken over the lead of that troublesome place. A Red in charge of the Black Tower, you ask? Yes. Who better than a Red to deal with the Tainted Ones?


Congratulations Sister! ;D


*hands Talya her Rosebud Trophy and adds a load of snugglebites she knows the T loves so much*


*quickly weaves a Shield around the stage as a bunch of BT'ers start channeling Firebolts over it, hooting and shouting and dancing on tables*


Cut it out or I'm locking her up in the Fishmines!  >:(


*waits for Talya to regain her seat, while casting warning glares at the Blackies* Honestly....



Ok, so now we come to 3 categories that each showcase one of the Red Ajah's longstanding honored traditions.



We start off with....  






Snugglebiting is the art of combining a snuggle with a bite. Bet ya' never saw that one coming, did ya'?  8)

It is a Red trademark that goes back to the ancient days and a skill all Reds master by the time they reach the Shawl. While some never use the skill and others use it excessively, it is an inherent part of our Modus Operandus (HA! thought only the Browns knew big words, huh? well :P)


The art of snugglebiting is not to be taken lightly and it is strictly forbidden to all without proper training to use it. After all, spilling blood is one of the top crimes and no selfrespecting Red will stand for it. Blood is to be harvested with care, threated with respect and consumed with reverence. Any spilling onto carpets, floors, tables, shoulders or whatever is abominable and will be dealt with severely!


This agelong tradition is well known and (in most cases) much sought after by all Tower residents. Both Seniors as well as Aspies will bend over backwards to get some on a regular basis and the Reds are eager to comply. Most of us anyway. There are some Reds that have taken such a liking to their fangs that they don't wish to use them for fear of wearing them down. We respect that! (if for no other reason than there being more for the rest of us. *grins*)


The nominees for 'Red Most Impressive/Skilled At Snugglebiting' are:








And the winner is....



















;D Congratulations! ;D



*Chuckles as Elgee sashays back to the stage, her previous award still dangling from her forehead*


Congrats, Sweetness!  :-*


*glues the Rosebud Award to Elgee's chest this time*


*waits for Elgee to return to her seat and takes another sip from her Daiquirri*



Next up is....






A second trademark of the Red Ajah is the Spork. Now a spork in the outside world is used to feed babies with. At Dragonmount it is part of a Red's arsenal of weapons, and a very powerful/tricky one at that. The use of a spork requires a very special skill and quick reflexes, for those that have read the previous Award post will remember that any spilling of blood is expressively forbidden. Sporking people is therefore not for the untrained and once again, the Reds will monitor it's use up close and personal.


The nominees for 'Red most likely to use a Spork' are:








And the winner is...






















;D Congratulations! ;D



To us Reds it comes as no surprise that this award goes to this particular Red. Not only is Zania our oldest active member of the Ajah, but she is also our official Spork Mistress. So it is quite fitting that she should earn this award. There is nothing like seeing the Mistress at work at her craft!


*hands Zania her Rosebud Trophy and snugglebites the bazeekers out of her*


Congratulations honey! ;D


*grins as a chorus of pleeding requests follow Zania to her seat and sporking is handed out left and right along the way*



Two more categories to go!







Prettifying is the third time honored tradition and trademark of the Red Ajah. Now, normally, this is the act of cleaning up Algai (novices on the Warder Path) so that they can develop into proper Warders. Obviously, this is done in true Red Style and I can't really disclose much details of it in public, but suffice to say that all those that have been prettified are deservedly proud of their accomplishment.


I said 'normally' because in reality there are Manshima (accepteds on the Warder Path) and even occasional Der'Manshima (senior level on the Warder Path) that will literally ask for the treatment, having witnessed the vast improvement in the served Algai and not wanting to be left behind.


However, the act of prettifying is not one that is done on command, request or expectation. It is done solely at the discretion of a Red, picking those victoms um candidates the Red feels need it the most at a time of the Red's choosing.



The nominees for 'Red most likely to Prettify' are:







And the winner is....









*opens the envelope and chokes on her strawberry daiquirri*




Um.... yeah...... well..... errrrrrr..........  :-[



Elgee, could you come over here for a second?




*waits for Elgee to join her, trophies dangling from forehead and chest and whispers something in her ear and hands her the envelope and steps back out of the spotlight*







*Is giggling helplessly while trying to avoid (but not too seriously) Zany's attempts to Spork her, when she notices Mysti choking on her Daiquiri and waving frantically to her. Rushes on to the stage hoping she'll be allowed to demonstrate her CPR abilities, but is stopped by the envelope Myst shoves in her face.*


Me? Why must I ... *looks at what it says on the lil piece of paper, then starts to grin.*


Riiiiiight! You just stand right there in the corner, Beloved!


*Turns to the crowd, draws a deep breath, shoves the pesky thing on her chest out of her mouth and hollers:*


And the winner is ..........


















;D Congratulations! ;D




Bane of the Algai indeed. Or the Manshima. Or Der'Manshima. Or any male Aes Sedai who happens to cross her path or the path of anyone she can bully cajole to kidnap for her. Mysti isn't only the most eager, practised and enthusiastic Prettier of them all, she's also an Equal Opportunity Prettier! No male need ever fear that he will have to wander the Halls of the White Tower UnPrettied, while Mysti is near ... or far ... or in the same universe.


Well done Mysti!  ;D


*Waits for Mysti to step forward, then hands her the award and makes sure she has both hands wrapped around it.* ... mwwwuuuuaaaaah!! *Watches Myst's hands stick fast to her award.*  ;D


*Points and laughs at Mystica trying to get her hands free of her trophy. Gulps a bit as Myst gives her a severe frown and a hissed:* Just how am I supposed to get the last envelope out of my pocket and present it? Huh? Huh??!


Errr ... I'll just help you with that then, shall I?


*Gingerly reaches into Myst's pocketses and pulls out assorted Algai, a few Fades, and a bleary eyed Blue before she finally finds the envelope.*


*Spots Myst's left foot starting to tap, gulps and rips the envelope so she can hold it up for Myst to read. Can't resist taking a peek ... and bursts out laughing.*


*Signals a Red Waiter to bring Myst another Daiquiri, and hold it up for her to drink.* You just take a breather there, hon ... there's something else I gotta do ... *Grins and turns back to the crowd, ignoring Myst's spluttered protestations.*



We have one final award!






This person is the one who personifies Redness. An illusive quality, hotly debated even amongst Reds. When words fail us, this is the person we point to and say: THAT'S a Red.


Passionate, strong, dedicated, COMpassionate, fiery, fiesty, individualistic, independent, scary, loving, cuddly, double scary ... there are as many opinions of Reds as there are people who have those opinions!



The nominees for 'Red most representative of the Red Ajah' are:









And the winner is....























;D Congratulations! ;D



*Steps towards Myst and in a lightning move that would put a Gholam to shame, sticks the trophy to her hair at a rakish angle*



*Stands back and points to Myst:* THAT'S a Red!!!



*stands tapping her foot at the brat with hands locked on trophy and getting banged on the ear by second trophy*







But :o OMG! Thanks you guys ;D ;D Much appreciated.


It's definitely funny from where I'm standing  ;D


*Snugglebites Myst, and because she's the one most likely to get into trouble, pinches her butt too*  ;D


*quickly weaves a Shield around the stage as a bunch of BT'ers start channeling Firebolts over it, hooting and shouting and dancing on tables*


Cut it out or I'm locking her up in the Fishmines!  >:(


*waits for Talya to regain her seat, while casting warning glares at the Blackies* Honestly....




This so made me laugh, I'm still giggling....hehe


*snugglebites Myst up real good too*


I haven't done that in a while...makes me feel so much better ;)


Congrats to everyone that won, This has been great fun!




YAY!!! Congrats everyone! *passes around hugs and sneaks in a few snugglebites of her own, trying to make them worthy of Elgee's approval*


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