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Discussion - Oh, Parents, How You've Suffered!!!


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Hello everybody. So by now you are probably all aware of the newest Yellow Ajah Activity. It is being spread over several different threads, all with their own  totally awesome individual purpose, but all part of the same great activity so to enjoy all the fun check them all out! There are prizes to be won, so be sure to post!



This is the totally awesome place for you parents to tell us all the wonderfully TERRIBLE things your kids have done! If you don't have kids, don't you fret, I'm sure you were a kid once and may have put your parents through some pretty entertaining moments. And if you have no kids, and were a perfect angel in your childhood(yeah right!), you have probably heard some horror stories from your relatives or friends about their kids, or when they were kids. No matter what your situation is this is the place to tell your story!


It may be hard to admit that the little angles can have some pretty devilish moments, but keep in mind that there will be a poll posted and the person who posts the most horrible story will win a siggy award.


So take off those rose coloured glasses and lets hear just how terrible having kids can be sometimes!




At first I didn't think I had any stories to put here, but then I really thought about it, and I remembered a good one..So here it is.


Two years ago, my daughter was 2 1/2 almost 3, and I bought a beautiful house. My daughter was one of those kids that never got into anything. I didn't need childproof anything, because she never thought to open anything. She didn't climb or run in the house. I could set her in the living room with a box of blocks, she would line them and then put them back in the box then line them up again. She wouldn't even knock them over. If I built a tower and knocked it over she would cry. She was just that way.


We moved into the house and I scrubbed it. Top to bottom every inch, sparkling. To give us a break my mother in law came over and said she would watch my daughter while my then boyfriend (now husband) and I went out for supper. We were only gone for 2 hours and when we came home my daughter showed a painting they had done. I put it on the fridge and "oohed" an d "ahhed".


The next day I went back over the rooms in the upstairs of the house to finish cleaning/make sure it was cleaned right. When it was time for nap I brought my 3 year old to bed, read her a story and tucked her in. That was all I ever needed to do and she would be out like a light till nap time was over. I came downstairs and cleaned more and started unpacking.


About twenty minutes passed and I thought I heard a noise upstairs, so I went to check. I got the top of the stairs and my heart almost stopped. My daughter was standing, naked, in the hall covered with red and green paint. There were little 3 year old sized footprints in red and green paint leading from her bedroom to the bathroom. The sink had a dish with paint in it and was covered in paint and the toilet was clogged with paper towel (that she had used to try to clean up) and there was paint dripping off it. In her room there was two bottles of paint emptied onto the hardwood floor.


I filled up the tub, which had painted fingerprints, and scrubbed her off. Then I tried desperately to clean the spilled paint, and footprints off of the new, previously just mopped, hardwood floors, and then tried to get all the paint off of the sink, bathtub and toilet.






I have to preface this with the statement that my now-7-year-old son is the kind of kid who often has us sighing, shaking our heads, shrugging our shoulders and saying, "That's Sam."  We can't even begin to understand what makes him work, which is a scary prospect considering he's only 7!


We've taken him to meet friends of ours from online precisely once.  This was a gathering of our Warcraft guild and we were going on a little tour of Fort Vancouver (in WA state) and then going to the aero museum there.  He was roughly 4 at the time.  We were about half way through the Fort when my youngest, then about 6 months old, let me know in no uncertain terms that he needed to eat NOW.  So I left Sam in the care of my husband and very child-aware sister-in-law to continue with the group while I found a place to feed my wailing infant. 


I found a spot that still allowed me a fairly good view of the courtyard of the Fort, so I could see our group going from building to building.  They walked into this building that was nearly straight across the courtyard from me right as I was finishing up the feeding, so I was tucking my youngest into the stroller and getting ready to rejoin them when I heard the alarm going off.  Sure enough, I look over at the building, and everyone's piling out of it and heading for the main office of the Fort.


I hurry up to rejoin them, already knowing what had happened.  Sure enough.  Sam pulled the fire alarm.  *sigh*  *shakes head*  *shrugs*  That's Sam.


In his defense, it was at kid-height and did not have one of those protective covers or anything.  Luckily it also didn't have a dye pack and because they got over to the office fast enough, they were able to call the fire department and say "false alarm!" so that we didn't end up paying a fine as a result.


Needless to say, we left fairly quickly after that, to the sound of the alarm still going off.  Aparently there was only one person who had the key required to turn the alarm off, and they were having a hard time getting ahold of him.  There are still a few people in the guild who ask me "Sam pulled any alarms lately?"


This isn't really part of my story, but my sister-in-law went back there the next week with her school on a field trip (she was substituting at the time) and one of the kids in their group pulled the same alarm.  So we've decided it's all her fault.  :D  We're all wondering how many false alarms it takes to get them to put a cover over it to delay the kids another few seconds.  Or better yet, make it adult height!


I don't have any kids of my own yet but my great nephew is pretty funny... I remember one time he was sitting on the porch with my sister, his grandma, and he had a ball he was playing with.  Kelly, my sister, noticed he had the ball in both hands hitting at something with it.  She went over to inspect and saw he was hitting a worm with it.  She said Jordan, stop hitting the worm.  He said but it pooped on my hand!  She said it's ok it will wash off.  He said it's not ok... It pisses me off!


He also says he's got lots of girlfriends at school (he's 5).  He likes to wear the polo type shirts "cause the girls like them".  I asked him how many girlfriends he had now and he said just one.  I said oh which one?  He said her name and I asked about the other one.  He said oh, I had to stop being her boyfriend.  I said Oh?  Why?  He said because she won't leave me alone.


Another time he and his cousin got into a bottle of citronella oil my sister had by the back porch for her tiki torches.  They poured it into Jordan's little kitchen set's sink to "wash their dishes".  Luckily they didn't drink any of it.. just had it poured all over their clothes.


Not a funny story, but always one of the first I think of was when I was 8 months pregnant with my now-3.5 year old.  We were in the grocery store and Sam was being squirrely, so my hubbie picked him up and put him on his shoulders to keep him out of trouble.  Sam decided he didn't like that, so he kicked his heels hard enough to pull his feet out of hubbie's hands and flip himself backwards off hubbie's shoulders.  He landed on his head and we drove three blocks to the ER, where they tried and failed to get a good scan of his head and neck because he was freaked out by the machines and wouldn't hold still.  They ended up transferring him via ambulance to a children's hopsital an hour and a half away, where they finally knocked him out (took a double dose of meds) to get a good scan and saw the skull fracture.  No concussion, no neck injury, no movement of the bone plates, just the crack in the bone, so basically as positive a diagnosis as you can have with the words "skull fracture" in it.  It took him 3 years to be able to have those suction tubes like at the dentist near his mouth without freaking out and he still to this day talks about having to sleep in the "cage" (their kid beds are cribs with curtains that come down from the ceiling and lock on the crib rails so the kids can't climb out).  I have an un-fond memory of sharing a very small less-than-a-twin pull-out arm chair bed with an extra little chair pulled up to the bottom of it with my husband for our night in the hospital room (8 months pregnant, remember...) since we didn't want to leave him alone and didn't want to split up to sleep.  He still talks about how he "jumped off of daddy's shoulders" and I still cringe every time I see a child sitting less than perfectly still on someone's shoulders.  I also get creepy feelings every time I pick out hamburger or hot dog buns at the grocery store and I have the kids with me, since that's what I was doing (with my back to them) when he fell.


Ok This is also a bit of a horror story too, but happy ending.


When I was about 6 and my sister was 4 she got in trouble from our Mum and she was sent to her room very very upset. My mum was outside in the front gardening and I was in my room playing. About 30 mins later my mum came inside to check on my sister, but she wasnt in her room. She asked me where she was and I said I didnt know. We looked around the house for her.


After looking inside and outside calling her name for about 15 minutes my mother got frantic. She called my Dad at work and he rushed home (he worked only 10 mins away) and she called my Grandfather too help look too. After they searched the house again and the streets around our house again my Mum called the police.


The police showed up with sniffer Dogs and started to search for her. I remember sobbing and looking everywhere I could yelling my sisters name and nothing.


Finally, the Police in their second search of her bed room (not mentioning the 10 times we looked) stripped her bed and found her tucked right down the bottom of her bed wrapped in a sheet with all the blankets covering her.


She had fallen asleep and when she woke u0 she was so scared of all the noise she just stayed there. We give her heaps for scaring us all to death!


As I am up at 3:45am this morning with a sick 3 year old, I am sure I can think of several stories for you.


There have been numerous times my children have publicly embarrassed me, like calling the skinny woman with grey stringy hair a witch in the store, or the times (Yes, multiple times) my kids have told someone they were rude for not saying hello to them.


We were eating baked beans with dinner one night and as a joke my husband told the girls "These are the beans which make mommy poop." Truth be told, I am not the one who has this problem, in fact the opposite is completely true, but of course, my daughters ran with that one and every time we eat beans, this is the first thing they say. Well, we ate beans at my mother-in-law's house. I'm sure you can see why I was embarrassed.


The other very comical thing, and looking back maybe I should have replied differently, my oldest and I were in a shady part of town getting dinner at a fast food joint when some "Ladies of the night" were walking down the street. My daughter asked why they were not wearing clothes. I told her they were street walkers and she was not to talk with them. She asked no more questions about them. We finished ordering and set off for home and while going down our street at about 10 miles per hour, we see this group of teens walking down the road with very few clothes on. My daughter proceeds to yell out the window "Look mommy! Street walkers!" I know the girls heard her by the offended looks I was given, but i figure if a three year old related you to street walkers, it means you need to go home and put more clothes on. 


Pookie- That fire alarm incident is embarrassing on so many levels! I'm glad you didn't get a fine for it, and I hope Sam learned his lesson. I am so sorry to hear about the shopping trauma, thank the Light he was alright! Don't let the hot dog buns scare you too much!


Naeann- Kids really do some weird things, but wouldn't you do the same thing if a worm pooped on you? I think I might! And after the citronella soak the dishes may not be able to eat off of, but they sure would smell nice!


Kati- I have heard stories like that before, it would be so scary to think of someone you love being lost, and I don't know if I'd be more relieved or annoyed to find out they were in their bed the whole time. I can just imagine you, your mom, dad, grandfather and the police all patrolling the neighbourhood then finding her in her bed!


Torrie- I'm so sorry to hear about the sick toddler, I hope it wasn't anything too serious! And they say kids say the darnedest things. Its true, and they usually say them at the worst possible times! I do agree that, while the 'street walker' comment must have been a little embarrassing, you are right in thinking that if a 3 year old thinks you look like a street walker, you need to put more clothes on!


Great stories everybody! Keep them coming.


This is about my youngest, Christopher.


He has always been resourceful.  We had to put him in a toddler bed at 18 months because he would climb out of his crib.  For awhile I was a stay at home mom.  One morning after I took the girls to school, the boys and I went over to the neighbors house.  She had a great dane that the boys loved to play with.


Anyway, the boys were out back, and Wendy and I sat down to talk.  Normal neighbor stuff at first - how are kids doing in school, etcetera.  Then she asked me if Chris ate breakfast twice that day?  I looked at her funny, and asked why.


Apparently, he had let himself out of the house at 4 am, and made his way to her house.  He knocked on the door and told her he wanted to play with Benson ( the dog).  This was shortly before his 2nd birthday.  Surprised, she let him in, changed his diaper and gave him a bowl of cereal and a cup of juice.  When her husband had left for work, she walked him back over to the house, and tucked him back into bed.  She let herself out, and relocked the door.


Neither his dad nor I are heavy sleepers, but somehow we slept through him dragging a chair to the door to unlock it.  That day, we installed a set of sliding door latches at the top of the door frame.  Thankfully he went somewhere safe and it didnt happen again.


Just had another moment that can fit in here. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, it is not the intention.


Some times my 3 year old daughter makes silly sounds and squeals when she gets very excited. I've never had much of a real problem with it, until the other day.


We were going to town to get her some new clothes and when we got the the store she got so excited that she started going "yippie, hooray!" and it worked in to more and more nonsense sounds of excitement, until we were standing next to a family of people, who happened to be black, and one of the ' nonsense sounds' she made sounded almost exactly like the 'N' word. The family beside me all stopped and stared at me, I turned beat red, grabbed my daughters arm and we left the store with her crying!


On the way to the next store I explained to her that sometimes her excited sounds can sound like very very bad words, and so she should try using words she knows when she is excited.


We have really great stories about the kids when they were younger, does anyone have a story about someone a little older?


My story, when I was 4 or 5 :)


We went to mall. At that times, I was bored of waiting my parents to buy groceries and such. So that day, I went away to search for some toys  :) Of course, I lost my direction and my parents. So we started to search each other. When I found my parents ,I was crying and saying somethin like this:


"Dont ever be lost again!Dont you go away from me!"  :P


Another one:


I was 6 and I had recently started going to school,and my mother had birth at the same time. My dad also had an heart atttack the day my sister was born,but I havent realised a thing because our relatives were filling the house.Maybe I asked about dad, and they told me something not true, I dont really remember. Well,back to the topic. I envied my sister so much because I though she got all the attention. So my grandmother found me crying in my room one day.


"Why are you crying,dear?"

"*sniffs*...I am done with you! I am going to rent an apartment and leave you!"

"How will you find the money to rent one?"

"I will set up a kindergarden!"

"Well,sweetie,how will you find money to open it?"

"But...but...*cries louder* I am done with youuu!!"  :P



Another story that I remembered now(my parents told me that story this time):


I was 1 or so. Since I was a bullyheaded child,I refused to talk at that time. No, I knew how to talk, but pointing things to my parents was easier  :) So one day,mom decided to try something:


Bela: *tries to point something*

Mom: What do you mean, dear?

Bela:*still tries to show something with her hands*


*5mins later*

Mom: I dont understand what you mean,hun.



Water was the first word I spoke. Silly was the second  :P


I have a few...


my son was almost 4 when his sister was born and when my in-laws came to the hospital he grinned up at them and said "look at my new baby... do you want to pat her?"




He was also very protective of his baby sister (as a result of his brother being stillborn only 18mths beforehand) that he used to growl at people who wanted to look at her. Babies are like magnets to old people in shopping centres and he would stand between the pram and them and growl like a dog and say "don't look at my baby!"




I was walking through the shopping centre on pension day (all the oldies were out shopping the place was packed!) and my then 4yo son was holding his crotch. I said to him quietly "Jared, leave your willy alone"


He turns to me and says as loud as he could "It's okay mum! It's just standing up!"


Every single oldie in the food court heard and turned to stare - i was SO embarrassed i hissed at him "leave it alone and it will go down" and got out of there ASAP!!



Hillarious, Amadine  :) I never ever wanted to protect my sister, I was just jealous of her  :) I am embarassed to think about that times,though :) The standing thing-oh man :P


Bela, you seem like you were a very independent child. You must have a very patient family!


Amadine, your son seems like a very funny character! Its good to know that he wants to protect his sister. And I'm dreading the day my son has to deal with his willy situations, he's 16 months now, and hasn't quite found it yet.


They are now 10 and 6 and he is still very protective of her. He can pick on her as much as he like but God forbid anyone else do it! He sees red! It stemmed from his fear that someone was going to take her away like they did with Lachlan (our middle son who was stillborn) he didn't understand at 2 1/2 why his friends got to keep their new babies and he didn't. Poor kid has dealt with so much in just 10 years. He is an awesome kid though - wise beyond his years... he's an old soul - been here many times before.


My son found his at about 6 months. Every time we changed him he would grab it! He is 11 months now and he seems to have forgotten about it. I'm sure he will find it again though :)


I remember being pregnant and he would move all the time. But every time I went to show my husband he would stop. We called him our "Tricksy Hobbit".


Bela thats why my parents told me it was my sister, and told everyone they had to ask me to see the baby (prevent me being jelous), which ended in when our aunt came to see her and didnt ask me first i almost chewed her head off for not asking me, and telling her very firmly it was MY sister and she HAD TO ASK ME FIRST!




nope think its just natural, but some parents because they know about it due to debates about it and such, choose to use active prevention methods to try to avoid that issue, its not something new at all, its rather basic child pshycology


silly ladies....of course us guys find it early on...then we let it be till we hit our teens, then we find out later god only gave us enough blood to keep it or our brain going...but not both at same time...Hahahahaha.


Bela your not the only odd one here....I think half the ladies in here are hehehe...


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