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Questions of Ishamael


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The strike at Shaoul ghul was said to capture and seal away all of the forsaken + the DO.


Yet, short after this, when LTT had killed his friend and family, Ishamael shows up and brings him back to lucidity.


Also Ishamael is said to have corrupted the Seanchan prophecy during the time which he was sealed away.


If he have done all these things, and not being fully sealed, shouldn't he have been aged like Aginor and Balthamel? (they were fully sealed, but in the outter layers of the prison)


If someone knows what I have misunderstood, or how these things can all be please tell me.


The first things that come to mind are Mask of Mirrors, and Ishamael being "less than half human" as commented by one of the other Forsaken.


Elan Morin appeared to Lews Therin shortly after the strike so he wont have aged there. But when appearing to the likes of Hawkwing, Farstrider, and so on, a mask of mirrors will have hidden the withered, burning appearance he shows to Rand. IIRC, when Rand killed Ishamael, his body had empty eye sockets.


From what I understand, Ishy was trapped and preserved in a "deeper" layer of the seal, but something about the sealing made it so that Ishy was free for something like 40 years every thousand years or so. I may be wrong on those numbers, but I think that's the gist of it. That's why he was able to manipulate things for stretches at a time, but only at long intervals, and it didn't cause him to become ancient.


I don't think we know how or why Ishy's captivity was different. Perhaps it has something to do with using the TP? Maybe we'll still find out, since Ishy still has a big part to play....


unlike the other forsaken he was only partialy traped which alows him to make his 40 year cycle to tamper with events. Also because of his cronic use of the TP he become more and less than human at the same time, fire eyes anyone? (also remeber none of the other forsaken wanted to touch the TP often, they said that it changed a person if used to much)


because of the cronic use of TP and him being only partialy traped he is total insane, but also totaly dependant on tDO, henice when he is transmittigated as Mordin he is emedialty named Na'blis.

IIRC its in the BWB and it was for about 40 yars every 1000 years
You do not remember correctly. We know he was free during the Trolloc Wars, and at the start of the War of a Hundred Years, and before the start of the series, for 40 years each time, but we do not know that he was only around for one period every 1,000 years.


If he have done all these things, and not being fully sealed, shouldn't he have been aged like Aginor and Balthamel? (they were fully sealed, but in the outter layers of the prison)
There you have your answer - they were fully sealed, but near the surface, he was only partially sealed. The two situations are different. Sometimes he was completely free, others he was completely in the Bore.

but one can infer because each of those events were 1000 years apart, and those were the only mentions of him being out that he was only out ever 1000 years for only 40 years each. (the 40 years is confirmed.)


It is not as clear cut as that. The Trolloc Wars lasted centuries. Was Ishy around for only one forty year period then? His throwing Jarna Milari into a ter'angreal over a decade before the start of the series, yet his far more limited physical capabilities at the start of the series, yet apparently growing stronger - the same period, or two different ones? It was not 1,000 years from the start of the Breaking till the start of the Trolloc Wars, nor from the start of the Trolloc Wars to the start of the War of a Hundred Years, so one period every thousand years doesn't quite fit.


lol, breaking restarted the calender for ab year 1 troloc wars happend in ab year 1000, lol.


maybe with his partial trapment he could (hate to say this word but) astral project from his sleep to influence advent as well, hince why some reports report of flikering flames, ect.


when i talking about the 40 year thing, it is when he is almost fully free of the prison, and can physicaly manipulate the world around him, his body has substance ect. during the other times he can only use proxies, and because we have seen him in TAT he could have also manipulated the mind of people making them commit suicide. If that were the case he could correctly boast that he threw Jarna into the ter'angreal because he worked on he mind.

lol, breaking restarted the calender for ab year 1 troloc wars happend in ab year 1000, lol.
End of the Breaking to the start of the Trolloc Wars is 1,000 years. Breaking itself lasted centuries, thus gap between appearances closer to 1,300 years. Then another 1,300 or so before the end of hawkwing's reign, then 1,100 before the start of the series. More or less.


when i talking about the 40 year thing, it is when he is almost fully free of the prison, and can physicaly manipulate the world around him, his body has substance ect. during the other times he can only use proxies, and because we have seen him in TAT he could have also manipulated the mind of people making them commit suicide. If that were the case he could correctly boast that he threw Jarna into the ter'angreal because he worked on he mind.
He didn't boast it. He did it. She was discovered in a ter'angreal that no-one knew the function of or how to work. He executed her.

Is ishy awesome? Undoubtably

Was he actually granted immortality? Plausable

He could possibly be the only one of the forsaken to be granted full immortality from the effects of aging and likely disease.


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