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Who else doesn't like Rand?


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I guess he is not my idea of a typical hero who fights the DO by acting tyrannical to those he is suppose to save.


Rand has always been my favorite character and his PoV's where those I enjoyed the most, except maybe for Egwene's PoV's in TGS (that was good stuff). Others have already posted about why Rand acts like he acts and I totally agree. But your statement (the one I quoted) got my attention. What makes Rand this interesting for me IS the fact that he is not the typical hero who fights the DO. It's something which in my opinion makes the whole WoT series so interesting. It is not black and white. It is not good vs. evil. There are shades of gray. Of course Rand is one of the good guys, but to be able to carry his burden, he needs to do things that your typical fantasy hero would never ever do. This makes the WoT so much more 'real' if I dare say so. In real life, leaders will also do stuff for the good of their people although not everyone will agree with their methods.

It's like the old saying: 'The end justifies the means'.




I like the fact that Rand is not a perfect hero. I like the ammount of damage he takes, and I think his development arc itself is the best thing about the series. It feels so real, for a man who grew up with no supernatural activity in his life to be so damaged after his experiences.


I for one would love to do a reread and pay particular attention to how Rand acts after becoming connected to Moridin.

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The Rand char is more entertaining when he's actually interacting with more of the main characters, which hasn't been happening much for a while, there just wasn't much of a personality given the direction RJ went but it looks like that is changing.

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The Rand char is more entertaining when he's actually interacting with more of the main characters, which hasn't been happening much for a while, there just wasn't much of a personality given the direction RJ went but it looks like that is changing.


After more thought, I also agree.  I tend to enjoy Rand more when he is dealing with the women he loves.  I see him as more of a normal person when he interacts with them and keeps his anger in check.  It actually pretty humorous since he has no idea what to do with them.  I'm just waiting for the "hard" Rand turn into the "strong" Rand, as Cadsuane puts it.

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and A Dance of Dragons has now taken 6 years unless I'm mistaken.
You are, AFFC was released in late 2005, so closer to 4 1/2 years.


I did try that bakker chap on a recommendation from you Mr Ares. Read two or three chapters got distracted by a shiney object and left it on the window sill and now one of the cats use it as a prop.
Damn shiny things, once again thwarting my evil plans. And if you gave up so early, you missed this speech, given by Cnaiur in The Darkness That Comes Before, chapter 17: "You know nothing of war. War is dark. Black as pitch. It is not a God. It does not laugh or weep. It rewards neither skill nor daring. It is not a trial of souls, not the measure of wills. Even less is it a tool, a means to some womanish end. It is merely the place where the iron bones of the earth meet the hollow bones of men and break them.

"You have offered me war, and I have accepted. Nothing more. I will not regret your losses. I will not bow my head before your funeral pyres. I will not rejoice at your triumphs. But I have taken the wager. I will suffer with you. I will put Fanim to the sword, and drive their wives and children to the slaughter. And when I sleep I will dream of their lamentations and be glad of heart."

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Don't be so hard on Rand as the others said he was a Sheepherder and now the most powerful man...


He's been branded on both hands and has had one blown off. :'(

Three girlfriends and one of them nearly pulled his ears off. :-*

Got stuffed in a box for how long? and beaten everyday! >:(

He has to deal with the taint or the effects the taint left.:(

Aes Sedai trying to bully him including Egwene, and they think they can do better than The Dragon Reborn Himself. >:(

They want to do the same as the Seanchan and collar him...*hypocrites* ::)

He is afraid for his friends and loved ones and can't be around them.  :(

A list of dead woman in his head. :'(

Oh yeah I almost forgot, got stabbed in the side with a stick, that left a wound that will never heal...and to top that off got sliced with an evil tainted knife in the same wound.... >:(

which seems to be helping keep the other wound from killing Rand but those wounds are painful.... :(

Excuse the spoiler but.... he gets worse.... :-X


So don't be so hard on the boy...he's doing the best he can, and he's surrounded by idiots...




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Got stuffed in a box for how long? and beaten everyday! Angry

Don't forget he was also doused w/ a bucket of water everyday and then put on a wagon w/out a cover to bake in the sun.


And Perrin has the nerve to want Rand to be nice to the very women who did this.

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That was the beginning of the end for Perrin.  Rand didn't know what to do with the Aes Sedai, and neither did Perrin (both admitted as much at least to themselves.)  Of course Rand had to make a call and Perrin didn't.  Perrin wanted to complain about what was being done but didn't want to forward viable alternative plans, or really any plans at all.


Usually when someone come to me and says "I don't like this", I'm amicable and ask them if they have a better idea.  Almost always they do have an <em>idea</em>, better or not.  If they answered with a 'No' I'd tell them to stfu and stop whining.  If they had the audacity to continue to simply whine and order <em>me</em> to think of something better than I already had; I'd probably enjoy jacking them against the wall too.


Notice Perrin doesn't want to man up to the Wise Ones about the Aes Sedai either, when he is put in charge.



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That was the beginning of the end for Perrin.  Rand didn't know what to do with the Aes Sedai, and neither did Perrin (both admitted as much at least to themselves.)  Of course Rand had to make a call and Perrin didn't.  Perrin wanted to complain about what was being done but didn't want to forward viable alternative plans, or really any plans at all.


Usually when someone come to me and says "I don't like this", I'm amicable and ask them if they have a better idea.  Almost always they do have an <em>idea</em>, better or not.  If they answered with a 'No' I'd tell them to stfu and stop whining.  If they had the audacity to continue to simply whine and order <em>me</em> to think of something better than I already had; I'd probably enjoy jacking them against the wall too.


Notice Perrin doesn't want to man up to the Wise Ones about the Aes Sedai either, when he is put in charge.



perrin does confront the WO's about this but the AS show up and tell him to piss off and mind his own business

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Oh I read it and think Egwene has gotten a lot better as well as many of the other female characters.  Perrin has just gotten more annoying as the series has gone on and there's really not much to indicate (to me) at this point he'll get any better.

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*Burns Mhoram at the stake* There, no lynching.


I feel like I haven't seen you kneecap anyone in quite awhile. Too long maybe...


On a side note; I'm curious as to how psyched the OP must have been when he found a site where he could make his handle Naruto and not have to add any numbers or characters.  ;D

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Got stuffed in a box for how long? and beaten everyday! Angry

Don't forget he was also doused w/ a bucket of water everyday and then put on a wagon w/out a cover to bake in the sun.


And Perrin has the nerve to want Rand to be nice to the very women who did this.


Stuff Perrin in that box for a week or more, beat him every day and leave him to bake in the sun and we will see if he wants to be ....."nice".

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*Burns Mhoram at the stake* There, no lynching.


On a side note; I'm curious as to how psyched the OP must have been when he found a site where he could make his handle Naruto and not have to add any numbers or characters.  ;D


I was actually surprised myself, I figured I was the only anime fan here.

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