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the really important question no one has discussed.


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Well it happened after the Bore was sealed as Demandred notes that they have become poisonous--so clearly it is because peaches can channel saidin, and will be the ones to defeat the Dark One.


hahahahaha.....Now that is one of the funniest things I have ever read on this site.  Are you sure you aren't Mr. Ares in disguise???

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Well it happened after the Bore was sealed as Demandred notes that they have become poisonous--so clearly it is because peaches can channel saidin, and will be the ones to defeat the Dark One.


After the cleansing of Saidin, has there been any evidence yet of someone trying a peach?


Could planting the cleansed and non-poisonous peach trees on the islands in the Ways be the way to clean them?

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Well it happened after the Bore was sealed as Demandred notes that they have become poisonous--so clearly it is because peaches can channel saidin, and will be the ones to defeat the Dark One.


hahahahaha.....Now that is one of the funniest things I have ever read on this site.  Are you sure you aren't Mr. Ares in disguise???


Dude, I predate Ares on this site by years! They accused him of being me!!!


Compare me to that old man! Bah!


(I love you Ares!!!)

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I've already seen at least one thread discussing the fact that peaches are poisonous. (Actually, I think it might have started out as a comparison between our world and Randland...can't quite remember.)However, I'm sure you're right. Very important question. Can't be discussed enough.  :)

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But if either said the wrong thing here, word that Moiraine Damodred was wandering about in disguise would spread with the sisters in the room, and it would reach the wrong ears as surely as peaches were poison.


[Legends: NS Chapter 1/New Spring Chapter 17]


The little woman drew herself up. By face and form she was a luscious plum, ready for plucking, but her big blue eyes were glacial. A peach, perhaps. Peaches were poisonous, here and now.

[Winter's Heart Chapter 13]


In the corridor outside, Javindhra muttered something about correspondence and rushed off down the white floor tiles marked with the red Flame of Tar Valon before Pevara could say a word. Not that she had intended to say anything, but surely as peaches were poison, the woman was going to drag her heels in this and leave the whole matter in her lap. Light, but this was the last thing she needed, at the worst possible time.


[KoD Prologue]

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I always assumed the phrase referred to the pits containing amygdalin, a cyanide compound.  However in reality you'd have to eat a fantastic number of peach pits in a short time for it to really poison anyone.  


There was also the 'poisonous tomato' myth in Anglo culture for some time.  Apparently, for some reason, after the tomato was introduced to the English from South America, it was deemed unfit to eat and thought to be poisonous (despite being regularly consumed by people in South America and presumably the traders who brought it to England in the first place as well).  Peaches may not be poisonous in Randland, but everyone might think they are.  Are there any passages referencing anyone eating peaches?


I remember all red fruit being poisonous as a plot point in Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.


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For proof that in Randland you can at least make poison from peaches: in WH Ch. 10 the assassins that attack Elayne have knives poisoned with powdered peach pit. I think this is supposed to imply cyanide.


I'd say either peaches reputation as being poisonous develops from the fact that you can make poison from them, or in Randland, many thousands of years in our future, peaches have evolved to contain much more of their cyanide compound than they do now, enough that they actually are poisonous. I think the latter case is indicated by the comment that Luckers posted from WH Ch. 13, where one of the Forsaken (Demandred, I think) in his internal thoughts thinks how "Peaches were poisonous, here and now."


Wacko theory of the day: As part of Ishamael's periodic meddling with the world, he selectively bred peaches to be poisonous. Who knew he was into horticulture?


There was also the 'poisonous tomato' myth in Anglo culture for some time.  Apparently, for some reason, after the tomato was introduced to the English from South America, it was deemed unfit to eat and thought to be poisonous (despite being regularly consumed by people in South America and presumably the traders who brought it to England in the first place as well).


They thought tomatoes were poisonous because they are a member of the nightshade family, many other members of which are pretty deadly, so it sort of makes sense that they were wary of them. If something looks similar to something I know is poisonous, I'm not gonna try to eat it.

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There's a poisonous mushroom in a Super Mario game. Yeah I contributed.


HAHAHAHAHA!!!  The poisonous mushroom that makes you little after the regular mushroom makes you Big??  I wonder if the japanese like taking psychotropic drugs much...

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There was also the 'poisonous tomato' myth in Anglo culture for some time.  Apparently, for some reason, after the tomato was introduced to the English from South America, it was deemed unfit to eat and thought to be poisonous (despite being regularly consumed by people in South America and presumably the traders who brought it to England in the first place as well).  Peaches may not be poisonous in Randland, but everyone might think they are.  Are there any passages referencing anyone eating peaches?


I remember all red fruit being poisonous as a plot point in Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.



From the always accurate Wikipedia

Plant toxicity

The leaves, stems, and green unripe fruit of the tomato plant, as a member of the plant genus Solanum (nightshade), contain the poison solanine, which is toxic to humans and animals. Children have been poisoned by a tea produced from the leaves of the tomato plant. The fresh fruit is, however, harmless[/quote}



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There's a poisonous mushroom in a Super Mario game. Yeah I contributed.


This is connected to poisonous peaches.  I don't know how, but it is.


Hey maybe when the dark ones power grows and he starts to unravel the pattern the barrier between worlds will thin. So its up to Rand and Mario to save the world and the mushroom kingdom from Bowser and Shaitan.


Hey maybe that's where Demandred is the mushroom kingdom. He's going to turn up with a load of koopas and gombas. Maybe even possibly *gasp* some hammer brothers.


Also it would be way great if Rand found one of them boots from super mario bros 3 that allow the person to get into it a become imperious to threat from below.


And Taim can grow a mustache and become an evil Luigi

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There's a poisonous mushroom in a Super Mario game. Yeah I contributed.

This is connected to poisonous peaches.  I don't know how, but it is.

And Taim can grow a mustache and become an evil Luigi


Elayne kinda looks like Princess Peach.

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