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lol welcome Ed and carefull with the nice thing. For Miss Nice will grab ya', wrap ya' up in ribbons and bows and put you in her pocket and never let you go again. You have been warned.


The elegant Eldest will be around soon to totally abuse you in the most horrid ways possible which will brainwash you into staying here and link you to her for all eternity (+ 3 years).


WELCOME TO THE KIN! *pokes with her golden needles repeatedly*

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*laughs* I hate needles, for the record, so these are knitting needles. They make stuff, they don't poke holes in stuff. ;)



*wraps a Blue Sash around Eddie-boy's hips and kisses both cheeks*


Welcome to the Kin, dear! :D

And just in time for my birthday, too! *grins*

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