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What's keen about the Kin?


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I'm going to be featuring the Kin in an article in this month's Daes Dae'mar (the WT Org Newsletter), and I want to get some feedback from members.


What do YOU love about being in the Kin?  Why would you recommend somebody come join you here?


Thanks for the feedback, everybody!



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Let's see...


What I love about the Kin is that we can rant in one thread and celebrate in another and the pair of them are right next to each other.


I love that no matter what tension exists outside our Org, it's never brought in here.


I love that, in a pinch, the Kinsters pull together and make things better just by being here and smiling.


Now, if RL will just stop eating them and let me keep them for a while...



*pokes people with her knitting needles*


What do YOU love about the Kin?

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I love how fun and kind and easy-going it is here; and how I always feel appreciated every single time I stop by here.  I never feel left out, or unwanted, or like a stranger.  I'm always welcome, and loved.


I love that I can share my joy and pain, and get advice when I need it....  And that we all support each other and cheer each other up and celebrate with each other and just have so much fun and enthusiasm.


The Kin is a safe haven, a place where you know you'll be welcome.

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Well to add what everyone else has said this is a great place. There is no stress, no drama.


Do you ever come home from a hard day at work and decide you don't want to do anything, so you just fall in your favorite chair, put your feet up and take a deep breath, feeling the cares of the day fall away from you?


That's the Kin.

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