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*giggles as the sign hovers* tsk tsk tsk. Only you could manage that with that title :p


And I didn't see a post from the Panda? :\


*shrugs* Oh well.



*looks around for said members* .... *sighs* They must have abandoned me... Tal and MCS are around for a bit... Eddie not so much, Adella I stole with MSN, and the rest well.... every now and then they come to see me ^^


*giggles evily* Although I have some wonderfully evil ideas on how to get them back... *eyes Al Jenn's chest of misc. stuff*

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I leave for a second and find this?

Tsk tsk I shsould have known better than to leave you two alone.  :D


And Limi we aren't abandoning you, me and Ed have been busy with our punishment, and he was kinda busy IRL too.


Funny I have the feeling that, now that I'm here, I'm not exactly welcome.


*eyes Al and Lims*

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dam bastards!!!



I hate needles and shot...stupid nurse gorgot to get the tubes of blood, so she asked if they could stick my other arm.


of course..I say go ahead....


bastards could not get my vein!!!

(i should have known it would happen. when i got my appemdix out, they switched the IV because it was burning my right arm when they flushed it, they couldn't get my vein then. stupid left arm. the nurse (who was a infant baby nurse guy) just put the IV in my hand.


*zhates needles*

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