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*has a mind to poke 13 when he gets back online for disliking Family Guy*


Thing is, I know it's stupid, but it's HILARIOUS. It's mindless humor, and, believe it or not, I actually learn stuff from it. They'll sometimes randomly throw in an actual fact which makes you go "What?!" and you'll have to run to the computer to research it. lol. Yes, sometimes they push the line of stupidity, but I absolutely adore Seth Green so would never fault him for anything. (Or Seth McFarley, but Green is my man) :P

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*looks around when no ones looking like when I play mini golf , and erases something on my scorecard...only changes my birth certif* Oh wouldn't you know....I feel younger miraculously!


*begins listening to Justin Beiber, goes to Hot Topic, and gains an opinion on the use of Twitter*  8)

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