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^ wombat, why are you so dead set agianst getting rid of a possible jester??  i may be a bit sour on the role but i for one see no problem with letting her win.  afterall one counterclaim is bad enough, i don't want to have to deal with another on


*rubs temples from thinking about nae's game*


I haven't changed how it works, just when I can use it and that is my fault. I got confused after Rey told me I had two the first day, and I think I confused myself PMing him.

I already sent one in, and I should be getting one when he gets on. I hope.


I really don't care if a finder shows me as scum, because then if you lynch me, you only have another player to look at.


I go after people when I am sure Red. You know this. :P


Also..to what you said earlier...of course I am paranoid. :D


ah, typical mafia-addictive personallity syndrom


can't stay away from the computer ... check

has the complusion to sign up for every game ... check

thinks everyone is mafia ... check


;D  dont worry ed, i suffer from the symptoms as well  ;)



on a more serious note, i know you really gun after people.  but i can't help but think of poor torrie.

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bah, i mena


"i know you really gun after people when you know they are mafia, but i can't help but think of poor little Torrie"



i'm suffering from sleep depervation because of this game, as well as being induced by an apple tini

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lol...For Torrie, I was starting to believe her, so I changed my vote....*thinks he should only talk about it in that game*


There are times, I am sure with a feeling, and a time I am sure with proof.


Also, I think he thinks Tigs is the jester, and imo, I don't see what is wrong with killing a jester.



EDIT: Drink away. :-*

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I already explained it.  I think you and Lily are trying a Kivam gambit.


That is a little of a stretch so early in this game. If Lily and Ed were pulling this then it would make more sense if both of them were goons. That way whoever gets viewed by the finder is the one who is lynched and the other is still alive and vindicated. The mafia loose a lowly grunt and they still retain their godfather, which is another possible innocent viewing.


Avoiding the issue and lynching Tigs gains us nothing.  Neither does a random lynch.  We need to resolve this issue now.


Unless you are wrong about the gambit, the lie detector is a powerful role for the town and a travesty to lose so early by a mislynch, if the scum could get rid off the lie detector by sacrificing one of their own they would be laughing all the way to the gallows.


You seem to be defending Tigs rather vehemently, and that is raising a few flags. Tigs is a safe lynch until a finder viewing, if the finder views ed and he turns up scum we lynch him the next day or if they view lily we lynch her the next day. If the finder views either one and they turn innocent then we lynch the other, and then the finder can review the one that appears innocent out of the two. A godfather ability should only hold-up after one viewing.




Three new posts in the time it took me to write that one up  :-\

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I haven't changed how it works, just when I can use it and that is my fault. I got confused after Rey told me I had two the first day, and I think I confused myself PMing him.

I already sent one in, and I should be getting one when he gets on. I hope.


I really don't care if a finder shows me as scum, because then if you lynch me, you only have another player to look at.


I go after people when I am sure Red. You know this. :P


Also..to what you said earlier...of course I am paranoid. :D


Bold is mine...


Ed, I thought you said that you viewed mcs's statement near the beginning of day 2 and I also remember you telling people who were confused about what exactly you could do that you could send in one statement per two phases.  So where is this extra detection coming from?  Do you really have two per day?

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^ wombat, why are you so dead set agianst getting rid of a possible jester??  i may be a bit sour on the role but i for one see no problem with letting her win.  afterall one counterclaim is bad enough, i don't want to have to deal with another on


*rubs temples from thinking about nae's game*


I haven't changed how it works, just when I can use it and that is my fault. I got confused after Rey told me I had two the first day, and I think I confused myself PMing him.

I already sent one in, and I should be getting one when he gets on. I hope.


I really don't care if a finder shows me as scum, because then if you lynch me, you only have another player to look at.


I go after people when I am sure Red. You know this. :P


Also..to what you said earlier...of course I am paranoid. :D


ah, typical mafia-addictive personallity syndrom


can't stay away from the computer ... check

has the complusion to sign up for every game ... check

thinks everyone is mafia ... check


;D  dont worry ed, i suffer from the symptoms as well  ;)



on a more serious note, i know you really gun after people.  but i can't help but think of poor torrie.


First of all, I don't think Tigs is a jester.  Secondly, even if we knew she were, lynching her would be a bad idea when there are two people who are claiming the same rare role, at least one of whom is scum.  We know Lily is probably scum.  Lynching scum is good for the town.  Therefore we should lynch suspected scum.  Therefore we should lynch Lily.  I think you are letting other games effect your judgment in a negative way.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

No, I said I viewed him from Day 1.

But, I got a different name along with Lily. So, Nae and Lily were detected.


I already said that it turned out to be 1 each phase. Not two per day (that was Day 1 special).


But you said you checked him day 2 earlier, now I am really confused and starting to get a mild headache


Edit for Nae


That is another possibility Nae, and a very plausible one

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I think you have successfully confused half of the game lol.


*Scratches head* Only you Ed, only you lol.


I just got back to my place, I saw daybreakers, it was horrible :-\

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I think you guys are missing a key point. Ed did post his results previous results right after Rey came online and active, but before Rey posted anything. So it is likely that Ed is in communication with Rey and I would like to believe Ed wouldn't do something so extravagant.


Lily really hasn't offered any good defense aside from, no I'm not lying he is. You should just wait until night and let the finder figure it out. She has been stalling which looks like it has a lot to do with RL, however nothing she has said has been very convincing or solid.

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Yes and I don't get all the hesitation.  It's seeming more and more like the only way we will figure anything out is to lynch one of them.


I don't really like that Tigs couldn't just say the phrase but she DID say just about everything else...I'm logging it in my memory bank but I'm not that concerned about it right now.  Her adamant refusal is what triggered alot of radars but she DID finally say it so I'm more concerned with the two lie detector claims.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

But she only posted that phrase after Ed had claimed to have already sent in someone's name, another suspicoun pilled on to the not sending in the phrase.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

You just said you were waiting on conformation for a previously sent in name for this phase. I my headache just got worse.

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I already explained it.  I think you and Lily are trying a Kivam gambit.


That is a little of a stretch so early in this game. If Lily and Ed were pulling this then it would make more sense if both of them were goons. That way whoever gets viewed by the finder is the one who is lynched and the other is still alive and vindicated. The mafia loose a lowly grunt and they still retain their godfather, which is another possible innocent viewing.


Avoiding the issue and lynching Tigs gains us nothing.  Neither does a random lynch.  We need to resolve this issue now.


Unless you are wrong about the gambit, the lie detector is a powerful role for the town and a travesty to lose so early by a mislynch, if the scum could get rid off the lie detector by sacrificing one of their own they would be laughing all the way to the gallows.


You seem to be defending Tigs rather vehemently, and that is raising a few flags. Tigs is a safe lynch until a finder viewing, if the finder views ed and he turns up scum we lynch him the next day or if they view lily we lynch her the next day. If the finder views either one and they turn innocent then we lynch the other, and then the finder can review the one that appears innocent out of the two. A godfather ability should only hold-up after one viewing.




Three new posts in the time it took me to write that one up  :-\


Let me quote the relevant passage from my earlier post:


I think it's highly unlikely that Lily is innocent.  What are the odds of Ed false claiming lie detector when he doesn't know if there is one in the game and then happening to pick the real lie detector to check.  MINISCULE.  What are the odds of there being two lie detectors?  VERY LOW.


The odds are extremely high that Lily is scum.


I am not defending Tigs.  She is just as likely to be scum as any of us.  What I am doing is castigating people who are voting for someone for a minor thing and are ignoring 2 people with conflicting roleclaims.


Nae, I think Kivam's gambit is too risky even when you have all your members, but I wouldn't put it past Ed and Lily.  Also, I don't see how you get only two mafia left.  The mafia has lost one member and recruited one member.  That's a net of zero change in numbers for the mafia.  Considering we started with 20 players, I would say a reasonable estimate is 5 starting mafia and therefore 5 currently living mafia.  Furthermore Ed made his both his roleclaim and his accusation of Lily before the mafia even lost a member.  This means that if they are trying Kivam's gambit, they agreed to try it before they had lost anyone.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

The only problem I have with that wombat is possibly losing a power-role.


I always try and err on the side of caution, better for the town to lose a vanilla or minor role, then a power role.

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All of these quotes are on DAY 2:



1. I can detect either the night or day. Because the {very lovely, awesome Mod} didn't tell me that. I got a bonus.

2. I actually did send in him and Lily. There was a misread...by....*cough* Mod *cough*. So, I was stuck with Nae.



Bold is mine


i am waiting for the mod to reply to me. when i get home, i will send  the quote if he has replied.


MCS....I understand what you are trying to say, but just because you say you think she is more likely to be scum (from the quote you posted) doesn't automatically rule you out.

I am mulling over who to send in....you, Wombat, or Pete.


I have to go find my list.


Not yet. I sent in Lily and Nae. Nae wasn't lying, Lily was.


I am waiting to check another person atm.


MCS is cleared. He was not lying.



The statements about having viewed only Lily and Nae and about clearing MCS came well after the end of night post by Rey.  It's all really contradictory with what you're saying now.  Can you see why it's getting harder to believe you Ed?  :/

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Pete...are you talking about what I just said in the last two or three pages?

Because I sent Tigs in.


Wombat, I appreciate you saying we would try it, but I am not on a team with Lily.

Good for me I guess in general if people think I could do that. :D


EDIT: Pookie...I am sure I sent him in in the night. I will go check again, but I am sure that is who I did.

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True Wombat.. I forgot about the recruit.  Could be up to 5... Could be 3 or 4 with solo wins and cult.  It depends on how Rey set it up.


Yes, Pete, It really struck me as odd that she so insistenly refused to say that phrase.  Her reasoning was the whole "that might be a prhase someone has to say to gain more power"  I HIGHLY doubt that.  It would be Pete who would have that power then as he's the one who suggested that phrase.. but you forget .. I was the first one to comment about the lie detector role and had started out saying "I'm not mafia"  Pete suggested the "I'm not anti-town" because that covers ALL scum.. not just mafia scum.  Especially since I was the one who started the whole possibility of a lie detector role... I don't think that's a phrase Pete has to have people say for his role.

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I think it's highly unlikely that Lily is innocent.  What are the odds of Ed false claiming lie detector when he doesn't know if there is one in the game and then happening to pick the real lie detector to check.  MINISCULE.  What are the odds of there being two lie detectors?  VERY LOW.


The odds are extremely high that Lily is scum.


Read that.  Really read it.  Crunch the numbers.  Reason the logic out.

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