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A new novice in the White Tower

Marta Sedai

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Oh no! It's not channeling... It's a goddess trait. I have four things. A whip, stilettos, a poofing abilities, and I taste like chocolate. :3

I now totally worship you my Goddess. I present to you an offering of assorted cookies I have made myself. A stilleto wearing chocolate Goddess. I am yours to the death.


Oh, and since this is your welcome.....uh...welcome. You have all made me feel old now. Thank you very much. Bunch'a twenty year olds. *snugglebites Marta* Glad to meet you again!. I bring trays of lovin'from da oven. peanut butter kisses.


Uuuuuuuh peanut butter *feels mouthwatering*

Don't think of yourself as old... Just more experienced :D It is a good quality for a future warder!


Of course not! We have only one goddess here at DM! Our sweet Limi  ;D

I am just magnificent... And as such I do not need to be a goddess to be worshiped  :D


Lol I actually wasn't self proclaimed.. It just sorta happened one day. ;D but I LVE all my worshippers.. they are all pretty awesome. ^^


*snugglebites the Magnificent Marta* Limi likes you siggy!!!! What program did you end up using? ^^


Aaahh that's what it is! I was wondering about the overlay of dots. ^^ That makes sense.. lol other wise I was gonna be like, How in the world did you manage that in Paint!


I may be new to this kind of things, but I learn fast :D

When I have time, I will make some more, and ask u to help me make them rotate :D

Anyways, I am still stuck in this hallway... No tasks and stuff for me yet :(


Yeah I read most things, which is why I have so little time to post ... lol


And that reminded me of this:


I'm watching you! You'd better not be getting up to sh*t!







Lol Actually I saw it on the one place here DM that shows you what people are doing.. I thought it was funny that you didn't post..


LOVE the picture by the way! Make me think of a certain Algai....


That puppy always makes me giggle *grins*


You have no idea of the amount of posts I read in a day ... lol


Sometimes over 300.


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