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Anyone else tired of photobucket?


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I've "Exceeded" my bandwith for the month.  WTF.  I've used photobucket for my sigs for like 5 years now and never had this issue before.  What does everyoen else use?  I'm switching to something that won't shut off my sig just cause I don't upgrade to their stupid pro service.

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I've had trouble with photobucket on occasion too - you could always try imageshack although I find imageshack to be less user-friendly. I'm not sure what the policy is on posting links? Better safe than sorry though so just google imageshack if you want to check it out  ;)

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I've "Exceeded" my bandwith for the month.  WTF.  I've used photobucket for my sigs for like 5 years now and never had this issue before.  What does everyoen else use?  I'm switching to something that won't shut off my sig just cause I don't upgrade to their stupid pro service.


I actually uploaded my sig and avvy to DM's photo gallery.  No bandwidth limit for use on DM, and the use on DM doesn't cut into my photobucket bandwidth on other sites (I use the same sig and avvy 2 or 3 other places.

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A lot of websites if you just recently signed up with them have differing standards depending upon when you sign up, for example I have a tripod website account, that still has 100MB limit, even though currently if you were to sign up, you would get 20.  They grandfathered me into it, mostly because I've had the account since '98.





I'm not that old darn all of you. :P

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there is a measure of storage and bandwidth, why not log into your acount and check it


i got 139mb storage and 78 mb bandwidth according to my acount, and it shows with a bar how much i use, as well as giving a % nr of usage of either

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The past two times I have been to photobucket I have gotten a virus...The first one totally crashed my dad's computer-we had to reinstall windows and everything...The second one is trying to do it again.  They have gotten through the firewall too!

Eset Nod32 would solve that issue...

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