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The Nature of the Dragon's Soul (Full Spoilers)


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Theres no reason to believe the Choeden Kal wasnt still glowing. It says Rand didnt stop channeling.

Yeah but the balefire started unravelling before he had time to remove it...I mean come on...what is brighter than BF? 1,000 suns? Was that not stated in someones PoV....I am pretty sure the light is from the BF/small light from CK and when it is left to unravel the light is just pretty much gone...

I cant believe Im spelling this out.


Rand wove the weaves for balefire, and while doing so Tams face was lit by the Choeden Kal. Still holding saidin and thus with the CK still glowing, he stopped the weaves before he shot the balefire, yet he was still holding saidin, which meant the CK was still glowing. You guys have seen channeling a million times before.


Rand began to shake, the balefire unravelling before he had time to loose it. He stumbled backward in horror.



Umm it seemed to me that, because he moved back, that the CK was no longer as close to Tam, hence the reason his face is darkened. I dont think there is any evidence that the dark aura was involved here in any way.


*Edit. Also he started to weave balefire, not acctually wove it. i could be wrong, but I dont think starting to weave it creates any light, only after it is fully weaved and released do we see the white bar....again just my opion, i could be wrong.


A Tams face is visible because the CK glows, and while it still glows Tams face was darkened.


Tams face and Tams face,... i think u mean rands face was darkened. Ya it is odd, still not a halo of darkness. You need to think of this from an author's PoV. You start building terminology to create foreshadowing, world mechanics, and yes references. When everyone else calls it a halo of darkness but Tam calls it a shadow across his face, that means that it was not a halo of darkness because RJ/BS are better writers then to confuse their readers with obscure half lighting. Now this has gotten on to a big tangent. Its just a theory and if RJ/BS are good at anything it is at proving us all wrong. Its not anything personal,.. unless you are RJ, and I think the halo of darkness has to do with the food spoiling. To have it spoiling with the pattern that is expressed in TGS means something. Particularity the Tea Scenario. It would be bad writing if it didnt.

The Halo itself has to do with Rands soul expressed through him channeling the TP, bending the pattern to his will, or something we have not thought of. There is way more circumstantial evidence (which is weak evidence but the best you usually get in a book) showing that there is a correlation between the Halo and food spoilage in TGS then an obscure reference to Rand's shadowed face showing that it doesn't.


It is also a way bigger stretch to say that the halo causes food spoilage, then that the Halo represents Rand channeling the TP. The food spoiling as a solo result of the TP we all pretty much agree is crap. I dont think the Forsaken was causing it before rand with all of their channeling of the TP. I dont think its enough. However, the halo showing when Rand is Channeling the TP is probable with the bending the pattern to his will with a physical manifestation of a dark halo being a very well rounded counter theory. The Shadowed face very interesting when put in the light of how that is possible, and what that means for the Dragon's soul is a good question. Still not a halo, no matter how bad you want it to be.


Also when it is brought up that Rand's randomness is not balanced and more bad things are happening then good through his random pulls on the pattern is definitely correlated to his soul and foul mood. Maybe even as strong as him Channeling the TP or just that he is as bad as a forsaken in TGS.




The True Power has nothing to do with the Pattern. It adds to his aura of darkness but thats it.


The TP has lots to do with the pattern. The dark one is sealed outside of the pattern but once the bore was drilled, he has access to it. The TP is channeled by a thread in the pattern, i.e. Rand who then uses the TP on the pattern. If it adds to his aura of darkness why couldn't it effect the surrounding pattern in other ways such as weakening wards, erratic weather, or even spoiling food? Stronger influence coming from the dark one in the form of the dark ones power, the True Power.


Acctually no since this is from Rand's POV its highly doubtful that he would notice his own face darkening. He is speaking about Tam's face. Honestly I think people are reading more into this than is there...


I'm with Optimus and not with Optimus. xD  Cadsuane saw the Dark Aura around Rand wheverver she saw him, though only when she didn't look straight at him.  He wasn't holding the TP every second, so it can't be when he's holding or channeling the TP.  It has to be something about him.  And it grows when his t'averen-ness comes out in more strength.  So it's probably as Optimus says.


However, that snapshot from the end of tGS, I don't think that has to do with the Dark Aura.  I think that's just lack of light.


He wasn't holding the TP every second, so it can't be when he's holding or channeling the TP.


It's note every second or every time she looked at him. The Halo is actually there just a few times, and something is reported as spoiling. And even if it was every second... why not? Rand obviously does not have the ability to care about himself. I also agree that this does not have to be the case. No where in the book does it say that the Halo of Darkness = Rand using the TP. However I would like some more damning evidence then your opinion, or gut feeling. Optimus at least gave some evidence. I'll admit the logic for this is like saying i got sick, and i took the bus ride this morning, therefore it must have been the bus that made me sick. But its still the best i got.

Umm it seemed to me that, because he moved back, that the CK was no longer as close to Tam, hence the reason his face is darkened. I dont think there is any evidence that the dark aura was involved here in any way.


Except Tam tells Cadsuane the room darkened around Rand. Come on people! Read the passage again in the books and tell me Brandon didnt go out of his way to make us take note of the lighting on Tams face.


However, that snapshot from the end of tGS, I don't think that has to do with the Dark Aura.  I think that's just lack of light


But light was provided by the Choeden Kal. And Tam tellsCadsuane about the darkness.


Tams face and Tams face,... i think u mean rands face was darkened. Ya it is odd, still not a halo of darkness. You need to think of this from an author's PoV. You start building terminology to create foreshadowing, world mechanics, and yes references. When everyone else calls it a halo of darkness but Tam calls it a shadow across his face, that means that it was not a halo of darkness because RJ/BS are better writers then to confuse their readers with obscure half lighting.


I am NOT talking about Rands face, because in that section Rand doesnt see his own face. Tams face was lit up by something Rand did and while he still did it, Tams face was somehow darkened. It was night, yet the CK lit up his face, then the room darkened, and Rand doesnt realise what it was because he hasnt seen his own dark aura. Throughout the whole god dam book we see this darkness around Rand. I literally cant believe you dont see it.


Whatever happens, the True Power is not connected to his dark aura and the dark aura shadowed Tams face. We know it because Tam said he saw the dark aura.


Why must it? The darkness comes when he isnt channeling it, I have proved it. It relates to his mental state. The Dragon is one with the land-his emotions affect the Pattern. Whats so wierd about the black aura being his dark emotions affecting reality?


As Far as this bickering about the Halo of darkness in that scene. Jump ahead to the scene with Tam speaking to Cadsuane afterwords and he mentions the room darkening. Tam saw the halo of darkness at that point and, as the previous quotes have shown, rand never touched the TP.


Not gonna look up the quote, if you guys want it that bad someone will find it, just sayin. Look at all the info, not just the one piece.


I don't think the TP is making the aura persay (SP?).


Yes, it only started to appear after he channeled the TP, but it was his mood and his own emotional/mental state.


Touching the TP was a sign that he had hit a new low. This new low allowed him to channel the TP. This new low gave off the dark aura.


Basically, the aura and being able to channel the TP are effects of him reaching this miserable point in his  life.


Follow me here?


So according to you Rand should be the only one around who everything seems to darken....but he isn't....




Sorry about that but didn't we have a Forsakne PoV meeting Moridin and noting that things around him seemed to darken? I am 99.9999% sure we had such a PoV. It wasn't seen as a Halo of Darkness but close to it.


That is the room actually getting darker, and it is a little different from Rand's aure.


When Ishy/Moridin visit people (I am thinking of Alviarin and Mesaana right now in the WT), the whole room darkens and that darkness gathers around him and 'eats' the light.




To echo Optimus' comments, it's been fairly well established that Rand shares traits with the Fisher King, specifically, the health/state of the land directly correlates to his own health/state. When Rand touched the TP (which is power FROM THE DARK ONE) he became more evil. This is clearly demonstrated by his willingness to use and destroy anyone in preparation for the Last Battle. As he has been getting "harder" the land has gotten worse (food spoils faster than usual, weevils, etc.). Once he touched the Dark One, the pace of spoilage accelerated, and once he turns his back on the country, ALL the food spoils INSTANTLY. The "aura" doesn't DO anything. It's reflective of his mental state, and you cannot argue that he turned towards the evil path after he touched the TP.


Moridin is EVIL. He pretty much can't be any more evil than he is right now. When he enters the room, it gets dark and stays dark. Rand is not EVIL, but he's doing evil THINGS. When he does them, the room darkens. Just like with Moridin.




Someone remind me, what's this argument about?


It ended up being what exactly the dark aura was, but then we got stuck on whether or not darkness surrounded Rand when he met with Tam. Conveniently the people who opposed me are ignoring the fact that Tam tells Cadsuane about Rands dark aura. I proved that it has nothing to do with the True Power being used.


When Rand finds out about the TP dark void, he is in it almost all the time it seemed.  I think that's why he had that dark aura.  It made him emotionless(outside the rage that boiled to the surface). 


Ishy had shadows and darkness around him too.  I don't know if Mord does or not.  I can't remember when it happened with him.


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