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My sister thinks Mat is the Dragon Reborn . . .


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Finally, through no efforts of my own, my sister has just started reading WoT. We couldn't be more opposite if we tried, so this has presented a rare opportunity to talk about something civilly.


Well, a few days ago she mentions to me how annoying it is that Rand keeps looking behind him hoping to see Thom. It's so very obvious that Thom is dead.  Duh.  I couldn't stop myself from grinning once I understood what she meant.  Which of course gave it away.  (Right now she's worried that this is borrowing too much from LOTR.)


Then last night, we're talking about Mat.  She wants to know if Mat is going crazy under the pressure of if there's something wonky going on with the dagger.  Or if he's been possessed by Mordeth. I limited myself to saying "Mat is a very sick boy," and that the problem is the dagger. Mat is not possessed. The conversation then moved to how Mat's speaking Old Tongue predated the dagger and maybe he's the reincarnation of someone.


Well I didn't want to ruin the surprise for her.  So I grinned, just like I had with Thom.


So now my sister thinks that Mat is someone IMPORTANT reborn.  I confirmed to her that reincarnation is an established fact in this world, just to keep her mind on it.  She looked so proud she had figured something out.


I'm going to have so much fun watching her in her first read.  


ETA:  Any suggestions of things I should "let slip" or outright tell her would be appreciated.  I want her to enjoy reading of course. I just can't resist having a little fun in the watching.


call me a traditionalist, but i say tell her nothing.....she'll enjoy the story more if she's just focused on reading it for what it is rather than looking for things that either aren't there or shouldnt be figured out yet  ;)


my brother is half way through on his first read after 19 years of prodding and my lips are SEALED! i'm talking to him about each book after he finishes and having fun dialoging with him on what happened, what he likes/doesn't like, who he likes/doesn't like, and just listening to his theories without adding anything.


my favorite answer any time he has a question? RAFO  ;D


I suppose remaining silent/RAFO will give me ample time to practice my mysterious Aes Sedai look.


I did think pointing out that the chapter symbols are important was necessary.  I never noticed them when I first started reading.  I think I'd even finished the series (WH) before my friend asked if I noticed them.  By then I was too exhausted to go back and re-read.


Except Bela.  Must spread the good news of Bela.



I was gonna say you gave her such a huge AS answer...

You gave her an answer that made her think something, but you never told her taht specifically. She came to her own conclusions.....




Always spread the news of Her my good friend. Walk in the Light, and may you never know saddle-soreness.





lillcheese - thats a good story about your sis! Keep em coming!!


Make her sweat it out with a steady stream of RAFOS just like RJ did to us all those years HA HA HA !!!


I Did want to say that, I did myself always feel that - in The WHEELS'S Eyes - there is/was very little difference between Rand/Mat/Perrin...


I wonder how close it came to being Mat or Perrin that was spun back out as LTT-Reincarnated/The Dragon Reborn?


Just a thought.






If your sister does not mind spoilers, probably direct her to the Encyclopaedia site.

If not, it would probably be best to continue to be silent about future topics; or let her read just chapter summaries from sites that have them (of which Encyclopaedia is one).


About Bela, the 'good news' about her is that she is just a horse.

If you told your sister (or implied) otherwise, it would be best to correct the statements.



When my sister read WOT for the first time i had some fun with her, I told Her that the TAS that locked rand in the box Gentled him, She straight away said that RJ would make our star ussless so i said that they couldn't gentle LTT.  :D. She freaked out for like half a book, then hit me with it when She got to DW and he went all Badass. ;D


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