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What Scene Made You First Realize Just How ''Hard'' Rand Was Becoming??

The Fisher King

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Dumai's Wells was certainly a good indicator, but, for me:


Berelain's nose wrinkled in distaste. ''Oh, thats Mordeth, a companion of the camp.''


Rand's hand clenched his wine glass. ''Mordeth? - His name is Padan Fain and there are One Million Dollars on his Head!''


The First of Mayne gasped in shock.''QUEENS have been ransomed for less!!! Why you be so Pi$$ed at him???!''


The wine glass went chrunch. ''He hunted my friends BECAUSE they were my firends. He scourged my home BECAUSE it was my home. He is a Traitor - and a Dead Man!''


... Ok, I know that is a BIG paraphrase lol - I don't have my book (ACOS) with me...but it it one of my very fave scenes in the whole series. And, before that, we really didn't have any clues that Rand disliked Padan Fain all that much but this passage really sorta confirmed it.


Probably another scene that showed how COLD he was becoming was when he barely batted an eyelash when Mangin asked him what time he'd like him to show up to his execution and Berelain was all like ''Do you mean to tell me that he really will walk to his own hanging???!''







When Rand read Moiraines letter, after he was thinking to himself that he should be mourning, wondering if he had cut himself off from his emotions completely already. He had to force himself to grieve for her death, which made it feel as if emotions no longer came naturally to him.


I am dying to mention something else relating to this, but I cant


When Rand read Moiraines letter, after he was thinking to himself that he should be mourning, wondering if he had cut himself off from his emotions completely already. He had to force himself to grieve for her death, which made it feel as if emotions no longer came naturally to him.


That was a good sign that he was reeeaally distancing himself from human emotions.


I am dying to mention something else relating to this, but I cant


Ohhh, I knoooooow LOL!!! ;)





I think that the scene that made me realize just how "hard" Rand had become was when he sends Perrin away in TPoD. To be able to send your friends away with no feelings at all when talking to them seems to me like you've lost all connection to human emotion.


You mean in ACOS where he loses it and actually really does almost kills perrin even though it was supposed to be just pretending??? - Or am i wrong??? (Sorry If I am!)





Yeah, it's been awhile. Kind of got confused. Thanks


Mine was MUCH earlier.  In the TDR, when he first kills a woman and about a dozen guys (all DFs, or so Rand thinks).  He then used the OP to line their bodies up, kneeling towards him.  Bye bye goes the innocent farmboy

On his way to the Stone...

He killed a woman...

it all goes downhill from there.


Mine was MUCH earlier.  In the TDR, when he first kills a woman and about a dozen guys (all DFs, or so Rand thinks).  He then used the OP to line their bodies up, kneeling towards him.  Bye bye goes the innocent farmboy


Similar much? ;)


lol.....you just put the whole scene.... :P


I think somathus' point was how he lined them all up. That's serial killer behavior.


But I'm not sure I'd call that part of his hardening. He was just sort of crazy that whole book.


I think the point where you really realize this guy isn't screwing around anymore is after the battle of Dumais Well, when he forces the Aes Saedi to swear fealty to him. Remember, those were the ones who had supposedly been trying to rescue him.




He might have been off his rockers, but that is when the "hard" trait really starts to go downhill.


Once in Tear, he starts threatening to kill nobles.


Dumai's might have been a sort of snapping point that drove him faster and further, but he started early on.


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