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Trivia Pursuit: Wheel of Time - Game Started

Al Jenn Mael

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Umm... well I'm good with fantasy and then science and nature but that is about the extent of my craftiness ;p


I'm glad you enjoyed it :D


Yup, I saw thank you :D. I'm dedicated now once the ceremony is given :D.


Which board should the next game be held? Could it be with other factions? I'll make it in February when I'm home.


It might be nice to have it on the main board. So that others can see what fun we have there. This time have a sign up thread, so that only those playing can answer questions.


Will do, When I start forming it I'll ask you to ask the WT to put it in their newsletter. Though it is so long I don't think many people actually read all of it. I guess I'll just post things over there. Don't worry I've signed up so... Though it is difficult to be two people at once, two personalities easy, people...


The sign up will last a week and will be unlimited. I'll have to have more questions prepared and I will change the amount of question you can answer at a time based on the number of players. It will probably only be one... ;p


That there will be a totally awesome inter-org game going on of Trivial Pursuit: LoTR style!


May the battle begin. I might ask Limi nicely to make a sig for the winner to get people involved!


Ahh...now  I see.


I'm not sure I will do the White Tower for now.


I have to go through the OL's when ever we do anything like this. I had mentioned something to Far before Christmas. So I may ask Sg to do this one.


With the White Tower I was thinking of an OP competition. I did mention something to Claire about it a while back.


So if you want to think up some awesome questions, I know a good website if you need it ;) Excellent info, in fact we could have it on 'Middle Earth' then it would incompass a lot of stuff, films books, The Hobbit and The Silmirilian ;D




The Similrilian... ugh. I never read it, though I could ask my brother he knows that stuff inside and out. Fingul, son of fingilfin, son of...


Well I don't mind running this one, I have kind of read it all a few times over at least, lol.


Then you could work on the next one for the Org.


You could get your brother to help you with the answers for the BT ;)


I've just had another thought.


Lets do this against the White Tower. But we will do it on Wheel of Time. So if you could think of some lovely humdibgers again that would be awesome. The lotr will be done in house, so to speak.


Now we just have to see how we can work this. We could have two teams (WT and BT) or we can do it individually. Or we can have two running where one is done by the team the other by individuals.


If you don't mind running it, that would be awesome.


what do you think?


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