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The 'I Need the MoN' Thread


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Like it says - if you need the MoN at all, please post here if you're afraid I've forgotten you! Whether you need me to post, are waiting on approval for something or just have a question, feel free to poke me here. This will make sure I don't miss any pending rps and stay on top and organised.


Also, if you have an idea for an rp and would like the MoN to be a part, by all means let me know! I'm always up for anything you throw at me :)

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Sorry Kathleen, and thanks for the poke! I am LOA all next week, and have an assignment due while I'll gone (I am NOT studying in Hong Kong lol), so I have been desperately trying to get it done first, and then I can spend my last few days posting for all you guys. Thanks for being patient with me! :)

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Technically I'm still in the MoN's study joining the Tower, I've done everything I need to do there for the requirement, but we were gonna keep going so she could answer a question I had asked.


Then I asked her to send someone to show me to the room so I could post a home sickness thing I had wrote up for my character on her way to her room/in her room for the first time, which would be the first time she thought of her family.


I have it all written up but I didn't get the ok to post it or finish what was going on in the first thread. I don't need a real a person to show me the room, I just acknowledge them a few times, but have no conversation with them.

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Ok would the following work for you, Kathleen:


You start your other post where you are being shown to your room, and do whatever it is you want to do in that thread. You would still need others to post with you, unless you are using this one as your one allowed solo post req


(Solo posting (ie only you post in the thread) is only allowed in the 3 Arches and 1 other thread (either Homesickness, Recovery or Character Centered RP). The minimum word count of 1000 is still required, but it can be done in 1 post.

see here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,46131.0.html)


Lavi can then post in your Meet the Mon thread later, working in what you've written about the person showing you to your room, and answering your question.


Would that work for you?

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That sounds great to me. And yes, I will use this as my solo post, as there really is very little room for interaction, unless it happens after all of what I do. It would be to much on the other person, and wouldn't benefit the point of the plot. Thanks for this!


Would she send for a Novice or Accepted to show someone to a room?

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Great  :D


It could either be a novice or an Accepted. Most likely would probably be a novice who's either attending her or scrubbing the floor outside, or something. Or it could be an Accepted who's just hurrying by and gets snagged by the MoN for this job (in which case she'd probably be quite snooty and pissy because she was busy with something IMPORTANT, dammit!  ;D)


Remember to make yourself a req thread (see previous link) and state in there that this is your solo one (should it turn out to be so).


Good luck and happy RPing, hon!

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Your homesickness thread? Yes that is where you would post it. Everything you do inside the White Tower (or its grounds) would take place in that section, except for classes - that has its own child board under the White Tower. As novice, the White Tower (and Classroom) is the only place you would normally post, unless you're a naughty naughty girl who sneaks out of the Tower Grounds  :D


Please ask any questions you want, hon - I know just how confusing this place can be until you get used to it!

You're welcome to add me on msn too - it's lg_curepipe@hotmail.com


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Just stopping by from Hong Kong! I am still on loa until Sunday, but if it helps, Kathleen, I will work with what YOU want. If you want a novice so you can befriend them, no worries. If you want a snotty accepted, no worries. No preference, no worries! I'll surprise you. Elgee rocks at this stuff, so ask her all you like, and feel free to just send me a PM with what you'd like me to include in my post (ie the novice's name is Suni and has dark hair) and I'll happily fit it into my post for you :).


*Whizzes back off into the awesomeness that is Chinese food and cheap markets*

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks :)  I thought it didn't look done, but wasn't sure.  I'm hoping to have a small amount of breathing time some time this week to get caught up myself!  It's a paradox that I find being creative soothing, but need to be less stressed to create. 

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