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Egwenes Accepted Test- something overlooked?


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So, we all know by now that Egwenes dreaming ter'angreal had some... repurcussions during her test for Accepted meaning that some of the aspects became prophetic.


Now something overlooked (I think) is that the resonance started before the first time (what was). Now from what I can recall seeing dsicussed this time is mainly overlooked, but I think I may well have found something.



One theory advanced quite a bit is that Nynaeve will heal death (normally Rands death). Evidence being her talent at healing and the number of times death is referred to as being incurable (ala stilling).


Something i've only just noticed though is that in Egwenes 1st test she 'remembers':

Nynaeve’s cures often worked in near

miraculous fashion, wounds healed with barely a scar, sick folk brought back from the edge of the grave. But

three times now, Egwene had cured someone Nynaeve had given up for dead. Three times she had sat to hold a

hand through the last hour, and seen the person get up from a deathbed.

This also indicates that death may be healed at some point - by Egwene. Evidence: incurable death references, Egwenes power level (yes, not Nynaeve standard certainly), Egwenes natural dreamwalking ability (Rand is bound to the Horn and thus will reside in TaR when/if he dies), this first test of Egwenes.


Just a quick theory to throw out there.

I'm not ready to get blown to bits by someone. =]


It said "hold a hand through the last hour" meaning that they are not actually dead yet. It just means that Nynaeve gave up on healing them, and Egwene stayed even as they were dying and healed them. Also we know that Nynaeve is one of the best healers in the world so I don't see Egwene somehow becoming better than her.


It said "hold a hand through the last hour" meaning that they are not actually dead yet. It just means that Nynaeve gave up on healing them, and Egwene stayed even as they were dying and healed them. Also we know that Nynaeve is one of the best healers in the world so I don't see Egwene somehow becoming better than her.


I semi-accept your first point - yes they are not dead yet, but at the time Nynaeve douldn't heal much. I'd focus more on the "Nynaeve gave up on" more than the fact they are still alive as now Nynaeve doesn't give up on anything short of death while she gave up on Matt and his dagger-taint not long before this test. It depends how much is prophetic and how much is based upon Egwenes perceptions. So, while I can see your interpretation, I believe that my interpretation is also viable.


For your second point - Healing Rand from Death should actually involve interacting with TaR as his soul resides there when not spun out - and TaR is something Egwene is far better at than Nynaeve.

meaning that some of the aspects became prophetic.

I think that is due to Egwene being a Dreamer; not from the Telaranrhiod terangreal.

Though the resonance does seem to be from the Telaranrhiod terangreal.



The part about Healing, I doubt they were actually dead.

'given up for dead', that might indicate close to death.

'rise from a deathbed', that might indicate that the person was dying.


The Accepted test like blends the person's beliefs & knowledge.  Egwene having strength in Healing might have been merely belief; Egwene seems stronger in Fire & Earth than in Water & Air.  The finding of ore in Great Hunt could be an indicator.  Being able to make Cuendillar fast could be another.

The Nynaeve in Egwene's test probably the block like the actual Nynaeve; and the 3 times Nynaeve (the one in Egwene's test) probably could not get angry enough to channel.



This theory is ignoring the weaves that Egwene ( and Elayne...another POV) cant even come close to doing. How many times have they been in shock at the complexity that she is using? I just dont see her coming up with some "weave" that Nynaeve hasnt tried.


Its not a bad theory but you really cant expect Egwene to become a better healer then someone like Nynaeve.



Re you're they're not actually dead bit: See my previous reply to Talmanes.


Indeed the Accepted test does blend belief, and facts, but which are belief and facts are unclear. Especially as when healing Rand from death would involve ripping him out of TaR in some way - not your usual Healing fair.


In Nynaeves test she channelled in test 1 - against Aginor (emotional state is debatable but it was a high emotional state) and in test 3 - test bring back the disappeared Arch (emotional state is again high). Whether these were anger or not is debatable, but either way she had no block



Indeed they have been, but if anyone is going to heal someone whose soul is in TaR it would be Egwene - he adeptness in the dream world far outweighs Nynaeve.

In Nynaeves test she channelled in test 1 - against Aginor (emotional state is debatable but it was a high emotional state) and in test 3 - test bring back the disappeared Arch (emotional state is again high). Whether these were anger or not is debatable, but either way she had no block

Just to make clear, I meant the Nynaeve in Egwene's test; not Nynaeve's test/tests.

I modified the comment.


Egwenes natural dreamwalking ability (Rand is bound to the Horn and thus will reside in TaR when/if he dies), this first test of Egwenes.

This I like.  If Rand is bound to the Horn, much like the other heros....


And Perrin's experience with the wolf-dream, and how wolves who die wait in the wolf-dream (TaR) to be reborn...


There is some weight to it, I think. 


This is a very good theory actually...


Sure, in the beginning, Egwene was amazed at the complexity...


but we have seen Egwene weaves up to 14 weaves, albeit small, and she is very skilled at doing that now...

also, it was not only the complexity, it was that Nyn wove it with an amazing speed...

nyn is very skilled, and even if she didn't know what she was doing, she had a lot of practice...


Egwene though, she has a lot of power, and she is a natural at T'A'R!



In the test, it could have been either...

so meh...


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