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Interesting RJ Quote About The Fat Little Bearded Man Ter'Angreal That Rand Lost

The Fisher King

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As always, if this has previously been hit upon and discussed to death, my apologies...Saturday night I spent some time reading Mr Jordan's Blogs, which I had never really read much of before, and found the following, spoken by RJ, in his October 2005 Blog here on Dragonmount:


''For HotW-Moiraine, yes, the bearded man ter’angreal could be said to be my Alfred Hitchcock moment. In KoD, you’ll learn what it does.''


HuH??? Did I miss something? What does it DO??? ... I have read KOD a thousand times...How did I miss this? WHAT did I miss? Did Rand find the lil dude? Whats it do??? And, of course, what the HECK was the KOD Alfred Hitchcock Bearded Man Moment???! Is this something that apparently RJ later decided to hold off on including in KOD?  If so, do we know why? Anyone else ever read this quote?





Ok...I get that...but, I thought the one Rand lost was the ''Bearded Man'' ... Or, is the one (angreal) that Rand lost the ''Fat Man'' and Elayne's terangreal was the ''Bearded Man'' ?


If so, what was the ''Alfred Hitchcok'' moment in KOD?


If we haven't seen the A.H. Moment yet, how come? RJ said KOD.


Im not trying to be difficult, I love the series and have read it since 91, but I DO have a hard time keeping all the intricacies straight. Im sorry.





I don't either, HighLordXanthus!!!


I tried to find the ''Avhienda Chapter'' in KOD that Maj mentioned but couldn't.


To view the full rj quote, it is in the october section of RJ's 2005 blog here on DM.






Okay, I don't have my books in easy reach, so I can't give you the chapter or page.  Aviendha's new Talent is being able to read Ter'Angreal and know what they do.  The sitting, bearded man that always makes Aviendha, Elayne and Elayne's semi-incompetent maids smile is basically a self contained library.


In Ch 15 "A different Skill":


Sephaine (the maid) asks about the "Statuette if a stout, bearded man with a merry smile, holding a book."

"He holds more than the book you see. He holds thousands and thousands of books."


Is that it?


How is that a Alfred Hitchcock moment?

How does that have to deal with Moiraine?


Alfred Hitchcock was known to have small cameos in his films. They wouldn't last very long and if you blinked you would have missed it.


The fat man ter'angreal is in fact a nod towards Robert Jordan.

How is that a Alfred Hitchcock moment?


The Hitchcock is in the description--effectively, the ter'angreal has RJ's physical appearence.


How does that have to deal with Moiraine?


It has nothing to do with Moiraine (the character). HotW-Moiraine is a poster. She asked RJ if the bearded man was a cameo (as in, was RJ putting a representation of himself into the books). He replied yes..


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