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Final Fantasy


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Since it seems that everyone here like rpg's, i wanna know what you all think of the Final Fantasy's.

What is your favorite, why is it your favorite, and so on and so forth.


Besides, I wanna know which ones to get.


I played ff-12 for a little bit, and i enjoyed it immensly. are they all that good?

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I'm trying to participate in every thread I see, but unfortunately half the threads I see are about things I don't know anything about. :D


So here's my participation in this thread! *waves again and exits*


;) :P


Not necessarily.


Final Fantasy is awesome.  Superior to 'most every other video game.


My favorite, of the ones I've played, is definitely  FFVI.  It has the best plot and is fun to play. FF.....


FF 12 is the only one i have played, and if they are all like that, i am gonna try to definately play most of them


Cenos, (Celes) Shrike, (Shadow) Gogo, Umaro, Cyan, Rose, Strago, Mog (GO MOG THE MOOGLE!!!)...........


Ya, I only ever used the guys I named. But now that you remind me, I remember those guys.


I've played 1, 7, Crisis Core (Unfinished), 8, 10, and 12.


Of them, 7 is my favorite.  Crisis Core 2nd.  12 3rd.  8 I didn't like so much.  10 was okay.


12 is an open-world battle system.  All the previous one's have random battles.  You're walking around and then the skreen jumbles and you're in the battle stage.  Turn-based.


12's battle system is like PC RPG's.  Like WoW, or Gothic, but with the ability to control 6 characters. 


That's pretty much the only difference in them, other than story.


Speaking of 12, I still can't beat Yizmat or whatever his name is.


I beat 12 awhile ago.  I liked that one a lot especially with the new battle system.  Yizmat...... *can't remember*


10 was okay.  It was embarrassing at times just watching Tidus.  I just built up my characters to mad skills and tried to beat the monsters in the arena.


I've heard that 7 is good, and want to play it, but as of now, 6 is still my favorite.


I've also played 4 and 5.


Yizmat is a Hunt Quest.  The ultimate boss.  Not in strength (there's at least one boss stronger), but he has like 50 Million health. 


There is a Crystal near the area where you can go replenish your health, but then you return and he has full health and all his positive spells on again.


Pain in the ass.  Takes HOURS.


You have to complete all other Hunts and can go to Ridorona Cataract.


I'm a final fantasy nut.  I BELIEVE I have 100% all of them that are available to the western market (I get confused with the FF6 and below...)


Also, I'm one of those few crazies that thinks FF8 was a great game.


Yizmat is a Hunt Quest.  The ultimate boss.  Not in strength (there's at least one boss stronger), but he has like 50 Million health. 


There is a Crystal near the area where you can go replenish your health, but then you return and he has full health and all his positive spells on again.


Pain in the ass.  Takes HOURS.


You have to complete all other Hunts and can go to Ridorona Cataract.


Oh yeah, the hunts.  I saved right before I beat the game so I could go back and do those.  Unfortunately, my cousin borrowed it from me a little over a year ago now and never returned it so I'm still at the point with like 5 of them left.  I think I'm fighting the Behomoth if I recall correctly.  I remember reading online a bit about Yizmat.  The crazy beast that's the last one.....


I'm a final fantasy nut.  I BELIEVE I have 100% all of them that are available to the western market (I get confused with the FF6 and below...)


Also, I'm one of those few crazies that thinks FF8 was a great game.


FF8, with Squall?!? I think that was the one with super long summons/attacks that you couldn't skip.


Hmmm...My favorite is probably a toss up between FF10 and FF7. They are all pretty good for very different reasons--except FF8. FF8 is an embarrassment and travesty to Final Fantasy games everywhere.  :-\


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