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New here, but definately not new!

Rowan Sedai

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Hello everyone!  I've been reading the forums off and on for the last month or so, though I've been reading the WoT books for over ten years now!  I finally decided to register so I could post on the spoiler boards, as there are some very interesting discussions going on there.  If you want to debate with me on the finer points of character writing, or what a piece meant, that's where I'll be! ^-^

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Hi guys, been registerd a while, only just decided it was time to get on here and say hello. Been reading the books for about 4 years since my cousin lent me the eye of thr world, i got hooked and now own the first 11 books. All i can say is WOW. I know that probably sounds corny but i can't think of a better way to express it.

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Welcome to the Mount :D



Indeed, if you are interested in writeing you might enjoy reading, or even writeing, down on the PSW (Portal Stone World) which is our own little peice of the WoT world :D


IF you have any questions on it, feel free to PM me or ask here and I will answer, (Or in the case of posting here someone might answer before me) But untill then have fun :D

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Welcome to DM!


I can't remember the last time I read the books - I blame my lengthy list of books to read! Anyway, enjoy looking around the site, and don't hesitate to ask us any questions should you get lost!

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