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*giggles and pokes the Locke*


Wow!  So formal!  Round here we are a little more relaxed!  usually just bounce up to the Elegant Eldest..also known as Lor and tell her you wanna join the Kin!  She'll give you a look...*winks*  she might bite...*grins* but then she'll Sash you and give you a kiss and Wallah!  You are a Kinster!  After all that..I'll bounce by and give you your official knitting needles!


By the way..I'm Twinnie!  The Eldest's sidekick around here!  If you have any questions..just ask!  Most any one can answer..or feel free to PM me or Lor!


Now..*settles down in her rocking chair*  Tell us all about you! :D

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I'm actually not usually all that formal.  Sometimes I'll do it for fun or just before I get to know people.  Although I'm not quite the bundle of outgoing energy and enthusiasm that you appear to be Twinnie ;) It's an honour (still prefer ou) to meet you.


Okay then. About me.... I've never been very good at autobiographies (or biographies for that matter) but I'll give it a shot:


I'm 13 1/2 years old.  *smiles*  I love math, reading, soccer, and DM (naturally) ;) among other things........ ummmmm..... I grew up on an island called Papua New Guinea and then moved permanently back to the US a couple years ago.  My parents were Christian missionaries there.  My favorite words right now are spatula, chicken, spontaneous combustion, quantum physics, pickles, and chocolate muffins.  You might notice I like to use dots and parentheses.... Wow. This is one random mini autobiography. No order at all.... I, unfortunately, play The Game (which I just lost)... meh :-\.....


Well, I'm sure there's more to me than that lot of words, but my brain isn't really helping me right know so I think I'll just leave it at that.




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actually that was a very good window into you!  LOL  Very interesting and lots to get to know!  LOL  I love words too!  In college I studied linguistics and just fell in love with word play!  ONe of my words these days is apothycary..probably spelled wrong!  I dont' spell well at all! 


And give it time hon!  LOL  I've had almost 50 years to learn to be bouncy and get excited about most everything!  LOL  I've been at DM for about six years now, married to a truck driver, known as my Bill or uncle marshmellow around these parts!  Have a seven year old little bit of loving called Sven..he is a black lab..and will probably have a new baby brother by tommorrow if my bill has anything to say about it! LOL!


So how  long have you been around DM?  and do you belong to any other orgs?

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Wow.  That's an impressive lot of excitement to say the least. Which reminds me how happy and excited I am right know because I just got The Gathering Storm out of the mailbox!!!! *is really happy*  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I've been at DM for about a month and a half now. Give or take a week.  I'm already in 4 other Orgs and just applied for a couple more.


LA!  Sometimes I just need to spout off random things..... :D

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:D  Thats good~  we can get pretty random around here!~


I just got my book today too!  *smiles*  I am getting ancy to read now!


So which other orgs did you join?  Are you creative?  Do you have any hobbies? LOL  I'm nosy..but then around here..we tend to be!  The Kin is a big family for the most part..and Lor has one basic and firm rule..NO DRAMA!  LOL  and believe me, that rule is never broken in  the Kin..which makes it one of the best places to hang out at dm, kick your feet up and just relax!


Hmm..there may be another rule..but I have no idea what it is at the moment!  *shrugs*  I skipped a groove!~

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I joined The Black Tower, The White Tower, The Illuminators, and The Band of the Red Hand.


I'll let other people judge if I'm creative.


  Hobbies: Soccer, math :D, books, writing (this is a new hobby I'm going to try), DM ;) , and the Green Bay Packers. *is excited about game tomorrow*


I guess there's such thing as personality.  There's obviously different types to different degrees and well I just lost my train of thought......lol :D

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Hi, Locke!  I'm Ursula, the grumpy old lady.


I join The Kin right before we achieved Org status.  I only belong to this Org and love it to bits.  When I'm not here (which is not a lot) I am a devoted partner, mom of two grown children, a historical re-enactor and costumer. 


And, I, too, favour European spelling. :)

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*laughs, poking Ursula with her jingling knitting needle*


Don't you believe her Locke!  *grins*  She is NOT a grumpy old lady!  *grins*  She is our sweetheart and one of the nicest people you will meet here!  Ursula is our treasure!


*eyes Ursula*  Don't argue with the Twinnie! lol  She is a fascinating person and wow, her costumes are just incredible!  We just wish she would show off more of  her creations!


*grins* great orgs all!  I will most likely run  into you at the White Tower..I am head of the White Ajah..and you will find lots of tower folks around the Kin too!  LOL  In fact your scary MoNster is our Elegant Eldest!  umm..oh and at the Illuminators!  I am a topic lead in Cairhen House in the Crafters House!  *grins*  Glad to see you joined them!  They have wonderful writer's and good advice!  *smiles*  They will be a good source of inspiration and support!


*pokes just for fun*

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Hello Ursula.  Pleasure to make your acquaintance. ;)


I'm still only a novice in The White Tower so I don't know anything about the Ajahs or too many people, but so far I like it a lot there.  I don't go to the Cairhein House in the Illuminators Org.  I'm not very good at crafts and art and that kind of stuff so I stick to Tanchico. *shrugs*.  I like it there too.  DM is just an overall nice place, top to bottom.

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hey buddy, welcome to the Kin! *pokes ya' with her needle* It's a great place here for just relaxing and chilling, but beware of the Nice monster. It's out there. It's vicious and devious and will snatch you up and cover you whole. *points at Twin* See what I mean? *nods seriously*


I'm also in the WT and the Band :) Though I have been rather inactive in the band for many months this year, due to some unfortunate thing, but im making my way back slowely but surely. At the WT I'm the Red Head. Yup, that's right, the dredded reds ;) We bite and stuff *grins*


Hope you like it here and looking forward to getting to know you better :D

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Hey, Locke! :D


*hugs tight, kisses both cheeks and wraps a blue scarf around Locke's hips*


Welcome to the Kin! *grins*



I'll go jot off an e-mail to get you added to the usergroups so you can see everything. :D I'm glad you're enjoying DM so much!

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*tacklesnuggle hugs Locke*


Well!  Welcome to the Kinster family!  *grins*  Here are your official BLUE knitting needles!  Now now..not to worry...most of us don't use them for knitting...but for POKING!  like this..*winks and pokes Locke with her jingly red and gold needles* 


Now we poke in fun...not to hurt, maim or kill!  We wuv each other here! *giggles*  And yes yes..I am Miss Nice, and I would warn you about Mystie..the supposed Miss Evil..but you'll find out, like we have that she is a sweetheart! *ducks and laughs*


Hmm did I mention I am the Head of the  White Ajah?  LOL  I'm glad you have been welcomed and are enjoying DM..it is a pretty wonderful place!

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EXCUISE ME!!!??? I am NOT nice! I am the Evelist of DM! the Empy awards said so! It's about time I get me some respect for my malicious station around here!  >:( >:( >:(



*spots Locke with Blue needles*



Oh look! Locke, you poke people with those. Try it on Twin. Go on, she loves it. Trust me. Like this. *pokes Twin with her Golden Needles* see how cute she looks when she jumps. Now you. One needle first, to practice.

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