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The usual new guy post!

Diamond Prince

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Well, I, as most of us here, love the ol Randland, and I want to speculate and have fun about what the future holds for Rand and his gang.


I have read the whole series, and am working on some of Brandon Sandersons other books at the current moment, which are pretty sweet themselves.


Anyways, thanks in advance, and I will see you around!

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  • 4 months later...

Hey thanks for the welcome! Sorry it took me a bit to get back. I started college up again and I am doing the whole good grade thing.

Anyways, I was wondering if you have any suggestions on a predicament I have. I have read the series once and I am reading it again, just finished Shadow Rising (which might be one of my favorites now) but I was wondering if you all think I should jump to the Gathering Storm (I have yet to read it since it came out) or read through the series again?

Let me know what you think. (I have not read the series in about 5 years.)

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Welcome to DM, and good job on the "good grades" thing :P


I would suggest a total reread of the series (obviously you are part of the way through that :P) it will make you fresh for tGS, and it will also help keep things that are currently happening fresh in your mind, rather than being fresh from SR and forgetting how we got to where we are in tGS. ;D

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Alright, I will read the rest of them. I want to, but at the same time I just want to jump to TGS.


I have a quick question if anyone knows. I looked a bit into the RP realm of DM, I know I need to submit a biography to get started but I am not sure where and how I do that. If anyone could forward me to where I need to go that would be great.

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Hi there Diamond Prince, welcome to DM.  :)


Where to submit your bio depends very much on which RP Group you wish to join. Each Group has their own Bio Checker (who checks your bio for accuracy and approves it). They also have their own rules for writing the bio.


Check out this thread on the Biographies board:




You'll find contact details for each RP Group listed there. :) If you have any problems, feel free to contact me via PM or to post on The Welcome Inn board. All of the members are very helpful.


Whatever you end up doing, enjoy yourself here at DM.



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