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Dexter season four

Alea iacta est

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now the question is, who will get trinity first, the cops or dex??



and trinity going to dex's place of work and hunting dex .....  omfg i can't wait till next epi!!!




btw, on another topic.  i cried last night when showtime said this will be the last season of toudors  :'(

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only 2 ....  so there are alot of lose ends to tie up lol



wonder if they will stretch trinity over into next season.  though i think they waited until 2 epis left last season to solve the whole Magel(sp) fiasco....

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omg!!!  omg!!! omg!!!


waws happy to see dex punch the next door neighbor out :)  but i didn't expect the reporter to commit suicide.  i figured she was gonna do to Deb what she saw her pops do to that lady in the bath tub.  poor quinn, i'm still waiting for quinn and deb to get together.  theres been a sexual tension between those two sicne the first season.


and anyone want to start a pool on how long the marrage lasts between Angel and LaGuarda lol  btw that was an "AWWWW  so cute/about time" moment


that was great!!  though i hate how their dragging on the suspense.  but the teaser at the end of this epi has me thinking 3 things


- dex finally gets trinity.

- does Deb put two & two about dex's mom together

- and why were their police busting into dexs housae and slamming him to the ground.  does trinity tell on dex killing an innocent man?!?!?!?!



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Wow... Seriously... Wow..


Did not see that acomin.

Now I'm just wondering, if we know for a fact who did that, seeing how, the timeframe for him doing it is kind of... not work out?

But that dirty cop on the other hand...

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omg  i did shed a tear.  this seasons ending was NOT FAIR!!!


theres no doubt who killed her though, it fits his M.O. to a tee.  and the time frame is good in my opinion.


Auinn will be dealt with next season *nods*


Season End Spoilers Below


















okay so Rita left between 7am & 8am since it was before Dex had to be to work. 


Trinity didn't pick up the car from the shop until afternoon, especailly since it was Night by the time he was on that road.  night down in Florida is around 530 right now.


rita had to come back to he house and was going to catch a later flight; which ment getting to the airport, changing the flight, then getting back home.  i'd say she was back at the hosue around noonish.



by this time, Dex is already waiting for Trinity in the trunk.



so how i see it is, Trinity locates Dex's home addy and is in the house around 10am.  he waits for Dex to come home.  Instead Rita walks in, he takes her by surprise and knocks her out.  then does the bathtub thing.


i know this is trinity's handy work because of the mirror.  remember in the first episode when we see trinity do the bath tub murder, he uses a mirror to watch the face of the woman as she dies.


there is amirror hanging on the wall in perfect postition to show trinity Rita's face as she dies.




i honestly thought Trinity wouldgo after Cody, since dex saved the other 10 yrold.  i didn't expect Rita at all :(  i'm looking forward to the change in Dex next season, and curious about what will happen with the kids now.


i guess with Rita and the family in the picture, Dex could really only go one for 1 more good season, now we can get maybe 2 more before it goes down hill.


does Rita die in the books???

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Dunno, but somethings just off about it.

For one thing, it seems to me, all of his female victims, were already in the tub when he killed them.

Why was Rita in the bathtub to begin with? She wouldn't get naked in front of a stranger, she'd fight.


I think this is just a copy-cat and/or another person entirely, to make it look like trinity to cover there own tracks.

I'm suspecting the guy cop, or perhaps the neibhor (whom dexter punched, and we haven't seen for an entire episode).


And it doesn't fit Trinity's MO at all, Rita isn't a single mom, she's married.

We'll know more at the next episode, but it just feels off to me.

There is that possibility it is sucide, but why would she call dex and tell him, to meet her at the hotel?


Course, if you go by the books, its possible Dex's kid did it...

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Dexter's kid? Harrison isn't even walking yet, so no matter what the books say, it certainly wasn't him. I think it's pretty cut and dry that Trinity was the killer. The issue is going to be that Dexter will be a suspect, but he can't account for his time that day because he can't tell anyone he was hunting Trinity.


As for the other bathtub victims, they are NOT already in the tub - As seen in this humorous "singing Trinity" video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXkud7v-zsA), the woman comes home to find him in the bathroom, naked, at which point he cuts off blood flow to her brain, causing her to pass out. Then, he gets her into the tub where she wakes up, he makes her pass out again, then slices her artery and lets her bleed out.


And no, Rita's not a single mom, but I think it'd be easy enough for Trinity to let that requirement go in order to punish Dex. After all, he didn't get the satisfaction of killing the little boy, yet he is still willing to move on to a bathtub murder.


I think at this point any twists the try and pull about who the killer is would be reaching too far, and they so far have seemed smart enough to avoid that. ^_^

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Dexter's kid? Harrison isn't even walking yet, so no matter what the books say, it certainly wasn't him. I think it's pretty cut and dry that Trinity was the killer. The issue is going to be that Dexter will be a suspect, but he can't account for his time that day because he can't tell anyone he was hunting Trinity.


As for the other bathtub victims, they are NOT already in the tub - As seen in this humorous "singing Trinity" video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXkud7v-zsA), the woman comes home to find him in the bathroom, naked, at which point he cuts off blood flow to her brain, causing her to pass out. Then, he gets her into the tub where she wakes up, he makes her pass out again, then slices her artery and lets her bleed out.


And no, Rita's not a single mom, but I think it'd be easy enough for Trinity to let that requirement go in order to punish Dex. After all, he didn't get the satisfaction of killing the little boy, yet he is still willing to move on to a bathtub murder.


I think at this point any twists the try and pull about who the killer is would be reaching too far, and they so far have seemed smart enough to avoid that. ^_^


Obviously the baby played innocent on the bathroom floor, when she went to pick him up, she tripped on the knife he placed right by the edge of the tub. :P


I still say that they WANT us to think its trinity, just like they wanted us to think it was Trinity who killed Lundy. It just doesn't fit Trinity's MO.

He has already shown he was going directly for Dexter...

While its true Trinity could have done it, and split town while the FBI sits on there hands waiting for a suicide, it just doesn't seem like Trinity to me...


As for her not being in the tub already, I guess I forgot about that.

What will clear it up, is if they find the 'ash' mark of his sister near by,..


Also, wasn't trinity known for his clean murder scenes? Aka no blood on the floor until After the body was pulled out? We already know it was pretty bloody...

Course if they do go towards the books (it does seem they are leaning in that direction, hinting at it) its plausible that her death is related to that. Or possibly even self inflicted for some reason based on the books...


It probably was Trinity but hey, if its not. Guess who's not going to be suprised? ;)

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Did you guys not watch the interview at the end of the show?  It was like 10 minutes long with Hall and Lithgow.  It was Trinity.... they even flashed back and showed us all the hints we needed to piece it together. 



This is the best show of 2009 hands down.

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^ yes i watched it and i really don't like michael with his head shaved  ::)  certaintly can't imagine Dex with no hair and that scruff on his face  :D



as for Rita's murder.  here is Trinity's cycle



1st- himself - little 10 yr ld boy.  incased in concrete alive to symbolize Trinity's loss of innocents at that age


2nd - sister - bathtub murder.  this is an unattached female in her early 20's late teens.  she has no kids and no live in family.


3rd - mother - jumper.  a mother of two who trinity makes jump off a building


4th - father - bludgening.  a father who is beaten to death with a hammer.




i agree Rita didn't fit Trinity's MO for the bath tub murder.  she fit the Jumper (3rd vic)  if anything, Deb fit better with Trinity's Mo for the 2nd vic. 


but Rita was a killing of revenge and availablity.  I'm sure it would have been Deb had trinity realized D. Morgan was Dex's sister.  at this point in trinity's life he was backed into a corner and starting over. 


i wouldn't say he didnt get totaly fullfillment from the boy, he completed the entire cycle of the boy


stalk - kidnap - assocaite - gain trust - medicate - dump in cement



yes the boy was rescued by dex, but that was after he had been pushed into the cement.  i think that would count as a competion enough for trinity to move on.



that said, it's obvious that Rita's murder was one of revenge and quickness.  not for fullfilling trinity's pattern.  remember what he told his family when trinity came home trying to get anything he could sale.


in short he said "he took something of value for me, so i'm going to repay the favor"  meaning Dex stealing the $50,000 from trinity.



like i said, i believe Trinity went to the house and was intending to wait for Dex, Rita came home and we know what happened then.


trinity didn't clean up because he wanted Dex to have the full impact of the scene to hurt him the most and he was in a hurry to skip town, what with the FBI knowing who he is and having his family and Dex hunting him down.



as for Harrison in the Blood.  i think this was just the writers trying to do the "full circle" thing.  you know, the whole Born in Blood thing Dex is always going on about.  btw, this was also touched on in the 10 min interveiw at the end of the episode.


the good thing is that Harrison is only about a year old, where as dex was around 3 or 4 when his mom died.  so chances are Harrison wont remember like Dex did.

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in short he said "he took something of value for me, so i'm going to repay the favor"  meaning Dex stealing the $50,000 from trinity.


I disagree about the money.  I think it was more that he took away his freedom and his family.  He probably felt Dex was the reason his life (literal and figuratively) was coming to an end.

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nah.  Trinity was ready to end his life after the bludgening and thanked Dex for a new lease on life and a new freedom.


infact, until Dex ambushed him and stashed the money; it seemed like Trinity was content to skip town.  he cleared out the accounts, was goign to pick up the car and skip out on his family leaving Dex with the overhead threat of "mess with me, i'll mess up you"


if it was any other way, i think trinity would have attacked that night instead of planning a get away. 


but once the money was gone and his means for a clean escape ruined, trinity went psycho and wanted revenge.  ritas murder was about the money and teaching Dex "don't mess with me"

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Did you guys not watch the interview at the end of the show?  It was like 10 minutes long with Hall and Lithgow.  It was Trinity.... they even flashed back and showed us all the hints we needed to piece it together. 



This is the best show of 2009 hands down.


I don't get showtime, I have to watch it online. they don't show credits, much less the 'previews.

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Did you guys not watch the interview at the end of the show?  It was like 10 minutes long with Hall and Lithgow.  It was Trinity.... they even flashed back and showed us all the hints we needed to piece it together. 



This is the best show of 2009 hands down.


Are we 100% sure it wasn't some sort of dream?  I think maybe she's not really dead. 

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thank goodness.


i think if that was the case i'd be as disapointed as when i found out the ending to Rosanne.  where Dan had really died of the heart attack at Darlines wedding and it was all made up ...  :-[


i mean, i hate that she died, but i hate the whole "it was a dream" thing even more

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thank goodness.


i think if that was the case i'd be as disapointed as when i found out the ending to Rosanne.  where Dan had really died of the heart attack at Darlines wedding and it was all made up ...   :-[


i mean, i hate that she died, but i hate the whole "it was a dream" thing even more


Don't remember that. <_<

(Isn't that guy actually dead now though? Or is that just john candy?)

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i dont think the guy who lay Dan is dead ...


but yeah.  watch TVLand.  the Nick @ night network.  last night after M*A*S*H they showed epis of Rosanne and are in the 8th episode before Dan leaves.  in the last episode Rosanne goes on to tell the audience that everything was bassically a lie, that after Dan died from the Heart Attack at Darlines wedding she began writing again in the basement and put the whole cheating thing in there because it felt like Dan had been taken by another woman.


Darline and David did get married and have a girl, but they didn't win the lotto....


was a total upset for an ending to a great series.  but i still cry cause i'm a dork and i always liked Dan alot, his character reminds me alot of my bubba

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