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So TGS is out next Tuesday...

el Nynaeve

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Well, considering that the copy of TGS that is leatherbound and signed by Brandon is probably already signed.  It was a prize for winning the WoT costume contest at D*Con.  It should be in the mail either on or before the release date. :P


wow, yuo guys know what I am doing that day.......


gonna go to work, fix my truck, play some video games.............smoke some cigarettes, and ummm, right, go to bed


You should find a job, then open a bank account and set up a PayPal so you can shop online if you want to. :P


Although the job part will likely continue to be difficult.


That sucks. :-\  It would be nice if once you have a job you could be guaranteed to continue to have a job, but...*shrugs* That's not the way of things, obviously.


I myself am now applying for jobs. Didn't want to have one while in school, but I'm desperate. First application I'm turning in?  McDonald's. >.<


Ah, I wish things didn't have to be so difficult.




I'd say, any job is better than no job, and you can keep looking for another job while you're working at the job you have.  (That's why, if I get hired back at Mickey D's, I'm going to take the job but keep turning in job apps elsewhere because I've worked there already and I don't like it.  Just got to get to the restaurant and hand in the application that's been ready to return for a couple days now. >.<)


At this point...I think I'm screwed as far as the book signing goes.  *takes a long, shuddering breath* 


I signed up for a free trial membership with Amazon Prime to get free 1-day shipping on my digital camera.  It was a 30-day trial.  Unlike most trials I've done, it didn't tell me when the 30 days was up.  It just took $79 out of my account without saying.  Leaving me with $4.14.  I was pretty much in tears; I canceled the membership and they said they'd give me my money back, but I don't know if they're going to put it INTO my account or not.  Since I'm using my check/debit card in place of a credit card.  So I don't know....


That $79 might appear in the next day or two, but if not, I don't even have a way of getting to Chicago anymore.  That money was supposed to buy my bus ticket, which I was in the process of doing when I discovered I had less than 5 dollars in my account.

And then I don't have a job yet, and nothing's appearing to offer me ways to earn money quickly.  I don't think I'll be able to afford to buy the book, much less pay for the hotel room I'm supposed to be splitting with Barm and Nae.


This whole thing just sucks.  I had plenty of money when I first applied for Storm Leader, but then a while passed, I didn't think I'd get it, and I decided it was better not to go.  So I spent some money.  Then I found out that I WAS a Storm Leader, and I figured I could still afford to go--only bus tickets were already more expensive because it was so close to the date I needed them.  Now, at this point, I CAN'T afford to go.


I should've just turned it down, and backed out of the job.  But I already confirmed, they're depending on me, and now if I can't find a way there I'm SCREWED and they're left with one less person than they were COUNTING ON.


*buries face in hands*


What a wreck my life has turned into this month.


Also DSage, PayPal is good and all, but if you are old enough to get a Debit Card you should do that. Then you don't have to wait on PayPal to take DAYS to process the transaction.


Also DSage, PayPal is good and all, but if you are old enough to get a Debit Card you should do that. Then you don't have to wait on PayPal to take DAYS to process the transaction.

PayPal never takes that long to process any of my transactions.  It always takes the money out of my account immediately.

Of course I also use my debit card without the PayPal account in some places, but either way, the money comes out right away.


*hugs* Thanks, Elli! :)


OOooo, update.


Firstly, the money has been put back into my account.  So I have $83 in my account.  Secondly, I've talked to my mom about the trip, and she offered to work something out with my dad; he can drive me to Davenport to catch a bus from there, which saves me $30 on the ticket.  In return I have to help out a LOT around the house for the next week.

Thirdly, I have yet to pick up my last check from the daycare I worked at over the summer (it's been 2 months since the check was available >.>).  When I pick it up, I'll have $42 or so.  Which gives me $72, or around there, to use for the rest of the trip.  That pays for the $54 for my share of the hotel room, and I *think* I should be able to afford the book too.  Though it might be slightly out of my leftover money range and I might have to earn a little more money yet.  But a few bucks is more manageable than $100.


Phew, things are looking up now. *dances*


Except that I just found out I can't buy the bus tickets online anymore.  Have to purchase 'em in person now.


Oh well.


It's been an adventure trying to work this whole trip out.


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