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Still don't know what some of those words you used means


Please leave now.  If you continue to stay your stupidity will be endangering the intelligence and quality of life of the members and visitors to Shayol Ghul and you will be sued for intentional endangerment.

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Alright. This is bad. Like, really bad.


If you want to see the Dreadies board again, you must be able to answer the following questions, WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE ORG. Anyone who gives this Ful the answers will answer to me, and also deal with a demotion.


1. What is a lightful?

2. How many points do you need to be eligible for promotion from Lightful?

3. What are the 3 different Factions in SG?

4. Who are the Faction Leaders of SG?

5. What are ways that you can earn points in this Org?

6. Name something that people do in this Org that will really piss me off.

7. What is the Dark One?

8. How do you become a Game Master in Thakandar?

9. How many points do you need to advance from 2nd level to 3rd level?

10. What is the focus of evil the Dreadies abide by?


You may use any sticky in SG, or http://sgorg.wikidot.com/


Good Luck, Ful.


1.  First rank of SG

2.  50

3.  Dreadlords, Black Ajah, and Shadowspawn

4.  Cosmicpanda, Gerrundus, and Canukistani

5.  stabbing, games, posting, discussion, grayman tasks

6.  Spamming on any board but Hell and inactivity, being disrespectful

7.  One person chosen a month to glory in their evil and give out points.  Everyone sucks up to get points

8.  PM TheMasterDude

9.  200

10.  Random violence and Mayhem


There, it's done.  Now everyone chill.

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#10 answer is wrong.


Past caring



I keep all sent mail just for this situation. I checked and I sent it to you on the 5th of June 7.13pm Australian Eastern Standard time :)


You are right.  I did receive it and still have it.  I did read the welcome to SG sticky, but that is all.  I didn't bother to go offsite.  Obviously I had to for the questions, but I answered those and have read the boards.  Either I get to view the boards again or not, whatever.


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And I'm out of this conversation.  I don't have the power to give you board access. Hopefully you'll get it again.


Any others reading this, take note. READ the info you are sent and use the resources provided for you please, we don't give you the information for fun and giggles, it's actually helpful! My PM box is always open too!


BA Chosen

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Aw. Back in the day, we would've just taken hundreds of points from Krak for this. Anyone remember Padan Fain? Nyn probably does. I never did find out who they were...


*totters about with his cane*


But yeah, everybody chill. We're elitist bastards for fun, not for the sake of being elitist bastards.  :)

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