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Horn of Valere: Ter'angreal?


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I'm doing my reread of the series in preparation for TGS and have been working my way through Great Hunt. Is the Horn a Ter'angreal? If you think about it, it's the only magical device in the series that so far hasn't been directly linked to the power. With the Creator not taking direct action in Randland, it seems like it has to be a ter'angreal that affects the dream world.




I guess you are referring to the Horn of Valere.

From how it is described, it does seem to be a terangreal.

That was in my thoughts long ago.


By the way (so that people would know), not all terangreal require use of the One Power.



I am referring to the Horn of Valere (see post subject  ;)). By "directly linked to the power" I meant most devices have been identified as ter'angreal which are created by the Power. The Horn's origin is left very vague and seems to be something of a higher power. However, since the books note that the Creator does not take a hand in matters, there doesn't seem to be much choice besides ter'angreal.



I believe that in one of the Tor Q&A's, RJ stated that the Horn predates the Age of Legends; the Old Tongue text was an AoL addition. I believe its mechanism is unknown.


edit: yeah, here we go:


The Horn of Valere was known in the Age of Legends, though it was an artefact of an earlier age but it was never used in the Age of Legends. In part, this was because there wasn't any need in an Age that knew universal peace, but also it was because what it could do was considered a sort of myth by most people in that Age. No one who is serious spends time trying to test out whether a myth might be real. (Seen anybody sacrificing a white bull to Jupiter lately?)


- TOR Question of the Week




Then it was included at the Eye because foretellings said to do so.


The Horn of Valere was known in the Age of Legends, though it was an artefact of an earlier age but it was never used in the Age of Legends. In part, this was because there wasn't any need in an Age that knew universal peace, but also it was because what it could do was considered a sort of myth by most people in that Age. No one who is serious spends time trying to test out whether a myth might be real. (Seen anybody sacrificing a white bull to Jupiter lately?)


- TOR Question of the Week


You know, it kind of a strange comparison. Blowing a horn is NOT the same as sacrificing a bull. I am sure that when archeologists find ancient musical instruments they try them out (after making sure they won't be damaged in the process) just to get a glimpse into the lives of the people who made it.


Maybe they were superstitous and/or dutiful enough not to try it. Age of Legends was a blissful time. People may have been happy/content enough not to pursuit every chance of trying out new things.



You know, it kind of a strange comparison. Blowing a horn is NOT the same as sacrificing a bull. I am sure that when archeologists find ancient musical instruments they try them out (after making sure they won't be damaged in the process) just to get a glimpse into the lives of the people who made it.


It's also possible it just doesn't work unless it's used at the right time.

  • Community Administrator

The horn would only work if it was blown for the right reasons.  Since AoL didn't have a need, it wouldn't work for them.




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