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What is your favourite Games Console?


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Okay I thought we would have a discussion or two this month.


So what are you favourite consoles. What kind of games do you like. Why do you like them?


My Wii. I play puzzle or strategy games most often, or things that have to do with quests. Or my Wii Fit.


But I haven't played any of it in a while, got no real enthusiasm atm.


I have my Wii.


I had my little girl pester me for a games console. So it was either Xbox360, PS3 or Wii. I thought that with the Wii we could have more interaction on some of the games. I have to admit it is great fun. I have the Wii fit too, and the Wii sports is great fun for the two of us to do.


I do have some games for the PC but they don't really work too well on the laptop. I prefer RP type games. I do sometimes play those simple games on the internet. just to pass the time, whilst watching TV, or inbetween on here. usually puzzle type games.


So what is the best game you have ever played, and gice a description. (did I say you could get points for this discussion ;) )


Best game?  Hoo boy.  There's so many games a rate equally that it's impossible for me to answer that.


However, one of the best games I've played recently is Gothic 3.  It's RPG like RPG should be, IMO.  I picked it up on a whim.  They didn't have Gothic 1 or 2, and playing 3 makes me want to get them as well.


Anyways, about the game:


Your character (nameless male) returns home after spending the first game breaking out of a prison mine, and the second game adventuring I guess.  Anyways, he returns home to find that the war that had been waging since before the first game is over and the Orcs have won.  The Orcs have made humans slaves to work in mines and digging excavations in temples - searching for divine artifacts.  The Orcs are lead by a dark mage, Xardas who apparently saved and apprenticed the hero in the first game or something.  Also there are humans working willingly for the Orcs as warriors - Orc Mercenaries. 


You have a butt-load of freedom in the game.  You can work with both the Rebels (scattered groups of men still loyal to the missing King working to take back their land from the Orcs) and the Orcs.  Some quests actually require you to work both sides, while some quests force you to make a choice.


I haven't finished the game, but from what I've read you have a long way to go in the game before you have to make THE decision on who to go with.  Which is different from what I've read of 1 and 2 where you choose in the beginning.


In my game I'm leaning toward the Rebels, which means liberating the cities from the Orcs (which means a huge battle against all the orcs and mercenaries).  Slaves and Rebels will help you in Liberating the cities, but they do significantly less damage than you do, and generally have less health than you.  So, if you depend on the slaves and rebels, you'll most likely find them all slaughtered and have to face the army alone anyways.


The fighting style is not just hack-slash.  There's strategy to it.  Different attacks work better depending on whether you're fighting Human, Orc, or Beast.


I don't know much about the magic part of the game because I rarely use it.  You can find scrolls of spells and use them easily enough.  But I'm much more a sword to sword/teeth/claws kind of player.  I'm saving up to learn the REALLY GOOD spells - the one's I'll probably need to defeat Xardas whenever that happens.


About the leveling system and stats:


every time you level up, you gain 10 learning points.  If you find a teacher, these points can be spent on acquiring certain skills like wielding a crossbow, or being able to pickpocket.  They can also be spent on increasing your stats in certain fields (Strength, Thievery, Ancient Magic, ect.)  And if you can find an altar, you can "pray" and increase your Health, Mana, ect.  Unfortunately, skills and stats cost gold as well as LP.  Gold isn't that hard to come by, though.


Another good element is that you have an unlimited inventory.  That's right.  That means you pick up EVERYTHING you can.


One of the few cons about it is that you don't have an on-screen map.  You have to go into your inventory and look at where you are on the map.  Not a big deal, really, but I find it a bit inconvenient at times.


Unfortunately I think my computer just BARELY meets the games requirements because it's SOOOO SLOW at times.  It also sometimes has an error and closes and I haven't saved because I didn't finish a quest or something, then I have to do it all over again.


Those are really the only qualms I have with it, but the second one has more to do with my comp than the game, I'm sure.  It wouldn't even start on my laptop.




Was that enough?  Or did I forget something? :P


xbox360 all the way.


I'm like Van, I like fragging people :P


Then, sniping (If they arn't better at sniping than me) If they are, then blazing pistols of glory (and frags  ;))


I get the most kills with fully automatic guns though, suicide runs! (kill death ratio is usually about 3-1 ratio)


Thanks Dsage, that was really interesting (and no sarcasm there). It sounds like quite a game. Thats the type of game I prefer, than the shoot them up type ones, much more fun and you have to think about things more.


I think I would like a PS3, but I have the Wii now and that does what I need right now. Maybe in the future I may get another one though.


I do tend to play games on the PC, when I do play then. I haven't for a while, I don't seem to get the time now. My daughter loves playing on the PC and on the Wii. For the Wii she has lego, star Wars and indiana Jones, both are simple but quite good fun to play. But she does Wizards 101 on the net a lot. Though she is back to school today so she won't be doing so much now Muwhahahaha!!!


I recently bought Balders Gate and all the add ons. I used to play this alot when it was first around, it takes me back and I still like to play it, lol.


I have to say, my favourite game has to be Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. That game just rocks all the way around.


The object is to save the realm of Hyrule from an alternate dimension called the Twilight realm. It's one of those quest games that I like, where you pick up things and clues as to what you're supposed to do and where you're supposed to go. Best bit is you can play with Link in human form and in wolf form. With the Wii version all the controls are motion sensitive, which is just cool. Some of the enemies are also AI, so they react to dead companions, etc. It's good but can be frustrating sometimes! I'm stuck on Arbiter's Grounds right now, haven't finished it but I'll get there one day, lol. :D


But the game is as good as the hype made it out to be when it came out. ;D


I had heard that it was a good game on the Wii. I think the next gae I will get on there though will be the Ghostbusters game. It doesn't come out until Novemeber, so I may buy it as a family Christams Pressie (for me and my daughter, lol). I like to do that, so it should be good fun to play around that time, and we bother like the film too. But that one maybe fun to get sometime too, lol.


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