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The 20th is our Open House around here, and school starts on the 25th. I'm going school clothes shopping with my MiL today. Hopefully they have the lists at the one I'm going to. I went to the Walmart across town yesterday and they only had two of the schools in the area, and only some of the classes. Anyways, I'll hopefully have more info today.


Gotta love how the system works. *rolls eyes* You know what's really bad, is that the schools have websites around here, but no information that is actually useful on them! *sigh*

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My wife was not happy.  She went out and bought all of Bethany's supplies.  The list was specific about certain items and did not have any items listed as "shared".....which was because they apparently all were.  :-\


She doesn't mind the idea of sharing, but when Bethany went to school with a pair of nice, plain folders, and came home with one that looked used.  :o


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We have the same thing, at the start of the year, we get out supplies and we go to school, there are boxes for each item, you put your stuff in there and they hand the supplies out to the kids, so they might not get what they had before. Through out the school year they use the stuff and if they need more they send a letter out to the parents.

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they tried that where my friend taught and a lot of parents got upset..cause their kids brought new stuff and then got the used stuff that was beat up!


Thats when she started and her fellow teachers to have extra supplies available for students who didn't have anything...spending her own money!


OK folks..*grins*  I am happy to tell you that Lor has had her wish list fulfilled!!  So it looks like we are looking at helping Jade and Taie right now....


Sam..can you and debbie use a little help?  In fact ANYONE with kids...this is for you guys..so please let us know!

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Spending our own money is just a curse of the job, Twinny, love. If I told you how much I spend in school supplies every year, you'd have a cow.


AND THANKS for the help, ya'll! *smiles* I went shopping and got a pair of 4 gig flash drives (makes going from class to class a lot easier!), the student posters above, a power strip to get light into a dark corner of my room and a small dry-erase calendar to write homework on for my board! I know it doesn't sound like much, but these things make my life SO much easier during the year! *hugs and smooches people who made donations*

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When I was in primary school the teachers had a spending allowance for class supplies every year, now I don't think they do that anymore. :( It's like the schools around here, they had to do away with most of the summer schools because they didn't have enough money now the state's cutting the school budgets by $1 Million! Like it's not low enough! And asking the teachers to take pay cuts. *shakes head*


Good news is my mother-in-law has decided that she's going to get the kids whatever they need as far as school supplies. So, hopefully we won't need that much. So, the essentials will be taken care of at least. :) Still don't have a complete list, but since I'm off tomorrow I'm going to try and call the school itself and see if I can get someone to answer. *hopes* Anyways, just wanting to let you guys know that we're mostly set, so if someone else is needing something be sure to get them first. Anything after this would be for extra stuff.

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*hugs Taie and grins*


honey that is wonderful!1  *grins*  It is so good to hear you up and things going the right direction and being taken care of!  What a wonderful blessing!


And Lor I probably wouldn't...First I know you, and second I've seen it first hand!  I am really glad you did sign up!  ;)  We all know how stressed you get..and things that we CAN do to help make life easier for you, well we all want to!  And not just you..but for all Kinsters!  *grins*


So as far as I can tell then, Jade, taei and Lor are the folks to help out!  Remember to let me know by PM if you have helped someone so we know that everyone has got what they need!


OH..and Lor I DID find a great deal on Quilling strips and pick up sticks.. :D and will be mailing them out next week I hope...when i can drive again..*rolls eyes and sighs*  I may have to send Bill...

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OK Folks...*grins*  As far as I can tell...we have covered everyone who needed some help for school!  GOOD JOB and thank you to those of you who were able to reach out to our family of Kinsters!


Now don't forget the Kin account and our adopt a Kinster coming up in December!

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