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Ajah Signatures


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I don't recall if I ever posted the Accepted siggies...


My dad is doing good though. He's on the mend.


If you want to request one, my request thread is over on the Ren'Shai Commons board at the Warders, or just shoot me a PM with what you'd like done.


I will be out of commission for a bit, starting in 2 hours. I am heading out at midnight on something of a sojourn. Not sure when I will be back.


I'm heading up North for a while on foot, so maybe a week or so I will be gone, possibly less. Depends how long it takes to shake my current mood.


I currently find society to be disgusting and personally offensive, so I am leaving it behind for a while.




Everyone makes it sound like I am going through a hard time.


Seriously, I'm not.


This happens to me every now and then. I just need to get away from society for a few days, to a place where I can't hear any cars or see any signs of civilization. I'll stay there for a day, then turn around and come back, feeling that all is right with the world again  ;D


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