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I just started my tenth or so read through.

Mighty Chin

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Reading TEOTW right now and I noticed a few things that slipped by me the first 9 times.


In the Prologue Ba'alzamon is standing on the Island that will become Tar Valon staring up at Dragonnmount!


When LLT is bringing all the power to him a beam of power strikes him from the Heavens! I found that odd.


Morianne sure has to repeat herself over and over to Nynaeve about why she is doing what she is doing. "If the Dark One wants it! I oppose it!"


Also I am quite amazed at the character development that's occured from the first book to now in relation to the three boys and the two girls from Emonds Field.


I love how Jordan can show great character development, but you can still find hints of the adults that these adolescents will become when forced to mature.  In the very first chapter, for instance, we learn in his reaction to the goodwives that Rand hates being pushed into anything, even if the person doing the "pushing" is well-intentioned.  Likewise, Perrin's comment, in leaving Baerlon, that "[Moiraine] should have done something" foreshadows how much anguish difficult decisions cause him; unlike the other characters, he never becomes remotely comfortable with doing what he must.

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Have you been following any of the WoT re read blogs? I was going to do a re read myself, but I feel pretty refreshed by reading them.  There's Leigh Butler's on Tor.com http://www.tor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=blog&id=13372, which I found out a few days ago is their most popular feature. Yay us! =)And then the 13th Depository http://13depository.blogspot.com/ is doing one as well, which is far more estoric, but I'm finding it fascinating. There's so much I never knew about the mythology Jordan based his world and characters on and they've managed to winnow it out. It might be an idea for you to read their analysis after you've read the relevant chapters.


thanks for those links Kathana. Ever since i read a rather chaotic thread at www.brandonsanderson.com and his forum about a guy who did his first read ever of WOT, describing his feelings about different parts while he came along(just did his last post for KOD) Ive been enjoying stuff like this:P Always fun to read what other people experience when reading.


I am rereading the series for the first time and I on TDR.  There is so much I missed or just forgotten that it almost feels like I am reading it for the first time. Awesome stuff!

Likewise, Perrin's comment, in leaving Baerlon, that "[Moiraine] should have done something" foreshadows how much anguish difficult decisions cause him; unlike the other characters, he never becomes remotely comfortable with doing what he must.
Very good point. Which is probably why so many, including myself, get annoyed with him. Also, Nynaeve is the first of them to really stand up to Aes Sedai which is why I've always liked her.

I finished it up over the weekend and I noticed another thing that had previously escaped me. At the end when Padan Fain is brought before Agelmar and Morianne is questioning him. Morianne gently rises and moves over to Mat and Heals him when she notices that he is clutching the dagger under his coat. It's a very subtle passage but interesting.


Mat is very interesting case because in my opinion he changes the most and the least.  Everyone describes as a rapscalion type character but also someone that if he makes a promise he will keep it.  Essentially a heavy dose of Loki.  You see hints like when he takes care of Rand after the Four Kings incident.  Then he slowly changes to a heavy dose of Odin(very responsibe) with a sprinkling of Loki.


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