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In essance, things that have to be closed.


-Im under the impression that the Black tower can become good again, but others disagree.


-Moirane, is a big one. As Min Predicted, if she is not there at or before the last battle, Rand will fail. 2 points: what will happen to Lan's bond if Moirane comes back, and Will Lanfear come back with her?


-Egwene Al'vere becoming Amyrlin and commanding the Aes Sedai


-The God forsaken Seanchan! im all in favor for raping them all the way back to the Islands of the Dead, but apparently a truce is being spoken of. About halfway through KoD, Rand orders Darlin kin of Tear, and all of the Tairens and Illianers back to the western Seanchan front. Death to the Seanchan!


-Elayne taking full control of Cairhien and marshaling her people northward.


-Elayne, Nynaeve, and Egwene finally becoming full Aes Sedai


The control of the other western countries, by hook or crook, undr the Banerof the Light.


-The execution of the Forsaken


- The final seals.


As soon as I remember the others, ill post them.

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Guest Majsju

"-Im under the impression that the Black tower can become good again, but others disagree."


We have a fairly good idea of how many of the Asha'man that "belongs" to Taim, and they are quite a minority. Root them out, put logain in charge, and the Black Tower can be what it was meant to be.


"-Moirane, is a big one. As Min Predicted, if she is not there at or before the last battle, Rand will fail. 2 points: what will happen to Lan's bond if Moirane comes back, and Will Lanfear come back with her?"


The bond is gone, the only way to restore it would be for Myrelle to pass it back to Moiraine, and I think it's very safe to assume that won't happen now.


Lanfear is already back, though she's called Cyndane now.


"-The God forsaken Seanchan! im all in favor for raping them all the way back to the Islands of the Dead, but apparently a truce is being spoken of. About halfway through KoD, Rand orders Darlin kin of Tear, and all of the Tairens and Illianers back to the western Seanchan front. Death to the Seanchan!"


Better to let them die on the battlefield fighting against the DO.

  \ said:
"-Im under the impression that the Black tower can become good again' date=' but others disagree."


We have a fairly good idea of how many of the Asha'man that "belongs" to Taim, and they are quite a minority. Root them out, put logain in charge, and the Black Tower can be what it was meant to be.


"-Moirane, is a big one. As Min Predicted, if she is not there at or before the last battle, Rand will fail. 2 points: what will happen to Lan's bond if Moirane comes back, and Will Lanfear come back with her?"


The bond is gone, the only way to restore it would be for Myrelle to pass it back to Moiraine, and I think it's very safe to assume that won't happen now.


Lanfear is already back, though she's called Cyndane now.


"-The God forsaken Seanchan! im all in favor for raping them all the way back to the Islands of the Dead, but apparently a truce is being spoken of. About halfway through KoD, Rand orders Darlin kin of Tear, and all of the Tairens and Illianers back to the western Seanchan front. Death to the Seanchan!"


Better to let them die on the battlefield fighting against the DO.[/quote']


If moirane comes back, thats insinuating that she didn't die. If so, the Dark One couldn't resurrect Lanfear, as she wasn't dead, i thought.


and theres another "to be continued" point; Lans bond. whens it going to Nyn?


In response to the seanchan, that would cause some not to happy problems. Enlisting the help of the seanchan to fight the dark one and winning TG puts the Eastern World in a spot of trouble, at the grips of the Corenne.

Guest cwestervelt

Yes, it is insinuating that Moraine didn't die. That is also a very widely held belief. For some people, like me, that she was still alive dated right back to the first reading of "The Fires of Heaven".

Guest Majsju

<If moirane comes back, thats insinuating that she didn't die. If so, the Dark One couldn't resurrect Lanfear, as she wasn't dead, i thought>


There is absolutely nothing that says Lanfear had to share the same destiny as Moiraine. With Cyndane out and about, it seems quite obvious that Lanfear did die, unless she managed to escape, and was killed by the DO just to put her in a new body, but that seems kinda stupid...


<and theres another "to be continued" point; Lans bond. whens it going to Nyn?>


When Nynaeve meets Myrelle.


<In response to the seanchan, that would cause some not to happy problems. Enlisting the help of the seanchan to fight the dark one and winning TG puts the Eastern World in a spot of trouble, at the grips of the Corenne.>


As Nicola's foretelling said,

The great battle done, but the world not done with battle. The land divided by the return.


It will not be a 100% happy ending, where every little problem is solved.

Guest cwestervelt

Just like in real life. Events like WWII created as many problems after they were over as they resolved.

Guest Egwene

Why shouldn't there be a truce with the Seachean? In fact I think that is exactly why Tuon spend so much time with Mat and the circus. Of course to bring the two of them together, but also I think to make her see the whole place in a different light and maybe learn new 'non' seanchean attitudes. Just look at how much Egeanin's outlook has changed.


When Moiraine and Lanfear went through the arch in Cairhien they arrived in the domain of the Finn. We know from what Cyndane thinks at the end of WH that her time with the Finn weakened her in the power, that pretty much confirms her as Lanfear. And we know Moiraine is alive from Thom's letter, though it did seem likely she'd be back from the beginning and from Min's 'incorrect' vision of her.


There's no saying that after the Finn took Moiraine and Lanfear captive that they didn't kill Lanfear themselves, or that she didn't die trying to escape or... there are thousands of ways Lanfear could have died after going through the gateway, and I'm sure moiraine will let us know as soon as she's free.


As for Lan's bond, we know Moiraine made certain her bond would be passed to Myrelle upon her death, but we know Aes Sedai can break the bond at any time if they should want to. The same result would probably occur in both cases. Moiraine broke the bond herself and it passed directly to Myrelle, otherwise, Lan would have tried to save her himself and as we know from Thom's letter that would have resulted in the deaths of both.


My theory about Moiraine and Lanfear and how Moiraine survived is that the Finn killed Lanfear and let Moiraine survive.


Moiraine is good at adapting and thinking on her feet. She would be able to adapt and show some humility (thus saving her neck) where Lanfear would demand the Finn kneel to her, which isn't gonna happen.


I've said this in other posts but it's sooo true: This is the part of the story I'm most excited to read about.


Moiraine Forever!

Guest cwestervelt

ajc42: Releasing the Warder from the bond and the bond being severed do not have the same affect. That is why an Aes Sedai dying of old age will release the Warder to prevent him pain and ultimately the mind shattering grief that normally ends with the Warder dying on a pointless revenge quest. Releasing a Warder in these situations is accepted/expected, and is the only reason that will not reflect badly on the Aes Sedai.


Based on Lan's reaction and current dead man walking attitude, his bond with Moiraine was severed. The only known causes of this are death and stilling. The doorway's destruction resulting in Moiraine loosing her way back to the physical world may have been enough, but we won't know for certain until she returns and we find out what really happened to her.



my bet is that the finns killed lanfear on sight...

Guest Majsju

my bet is that the finns killed lanfear on sight...


No, they didn't. Cyndane's POV in WH clearly says she was Held by the finns for some time, thus not killed on sight.


If I would speculate, I'd say she tried to escape, and was killed in the attempt.

Guest cwestervelt
  \ said:

my bet is that the finns killed lanfear on sight...


The Shadow Rising Chapter 6' date=' "Doorways" page 95.

"There are rules," she went on, "and dangers. No one may step through more than once. Only once. You may ask three questions, but you must ask all three and hear the answers before you may leave. Frivolous questions are punished, it seems, but is also seems that what may be serious for one can be frivolous coming from another. Most importantly, questions touching the Shadow have dire consequences.


"Dire consequences", not "death or insanity" and it is stated in connection to the Doorway in Tear. Not much is known about the other door and we are assuming that the strictures concerning the Shadow hold true. What we do know is that there are differences when you are deal with the Snakes rather than the foxes.


We also don't know that there were any needs stated.


lanfear was stilled (or severed) through the gatway, and then killed. the DO brought her back, maybe restored to the power before?. asmoeden won't return so there are 3 forsaken out of the loop now. galina, taim and another(maybe tuon or suroth <did she train damane?> maybe?) will take the place of them. yeah.


***"Dire consequences", not "death or insanity" and it is stated in connection to the Doorway in Tear. Not much is known about the other door and we are assuming that the strictures concerning the Shadow hold true. What we do know is that there are differences when you are deal with the Snakes rather than the foxes.


We also don't know that there were any needs stated.***

that is just that one quote im pretty sure that later on (i think its just a few pages) someone mentions the death and insanuty thing concerning the shadow question (but im pretty sure its either FoH or tDR where its is said cuz ive just finishe rerereaden the,)

  \ said:
lanfear was stilled (or severed) through the gatway' date=' and then killed. the DO brought her back, maybe restored to the power before?. asmoeden won't return so there are 3 forsaken out of the loop now. galina, taim and another(maybe tuon or suroth <did she train damane?> maybe?) will take the place of them. yeah.[/quote']



Sammael, Rahvin, Aginor, Asmodean, and Be'lal, are dead. Galina is out of the picture as of KoD as well as Suroth (who can not channel as far as i remember).

Guest cwestervelt

Suroth cannot channel. Tuon could learn to channel which is why she can train Damane.

  \ said:
My theory about Moiraine and Lanfear and how Moiraine survived is that the Finn killed Lanfear and let Moiraine survive.


Moiraine is good at adapting and thinking on her feet. She would be able to adapt and show some humility (thus saving her neck) where Lanfear would demand the Finn kneel to her' date=' which isn't gonna happen.


Moiraine Forever![/quote']


Remember anything touching the affairs of the Shadow are met with harsh Finn responses. So they may very well have killed Lanfear for who she was.


Galina is definatly out of the picture. There is no way she's gonna become a possible forsaken, especially since she's been broken... Alivairirn however is a real possibility, more so because of her anger towards Elaida, but im not sure if the fact that her punishments are so public will allow heer to become Forsaken. Look to another of taim's followers gaining a lvl.

  \ said:
Galina is definatly out of the picture. There is no way she's gonna become a possible forsaken' date=' especially since she's been broken... Alivairirn however is a real possibility, more so because of her anger towards Elaida, but im not sure if the fact that her punishments are so public will allow heer to become Forsaken. Look to another of taim's followers gaining a lvl.[/quote']


Yeah but are any of them powerful enough?


  \ said:
Why shouldn't there be a truce with the Seachean? In fact I think that is exactly why Tuon spend so much time with Mat and the circus. Of course to bring the two of them together' date=' but also I think to make her see the whole place in a different light and maybe learn new 'non' seanchean attitudes. Just look at how much Egeanin's outlook has changed.[/quote']


Hah! Having a truce with the seanchan is like shaking oil and water and then waiting for it to seperate. The white tower would want to free the damane and/or train their girls, and the seanchan would try to collar every aes sedai they meet for if they don't their damane might get the idea of freedom. Look at the way the seanchan treat their captives: Amathera and the Tylin come to mind. The light isn't to thrilled of this either; halfway through KOD rand orders Dylin king and tells him to get every soldier that can function back to the western seanchan front, not to mention the raids that the book starts out with.


It's not a matter of thrilled or not thrilled. Rand knows TG is upon them. He doesn't have time for a prolonged to-do with the Seanchan. He's willing to offer an alliance, but if it's refused, or they drag their feet... in his own words he will crush them.


He simply doesn't have time for anything else.


>>Yeah but are any of them powerful enough?


Strength in the Power was never a requirement to be one of the Forsaken--indeed it should be noted that all channelers in service of the dark one in the age of legends were called Forsaken, (the term Dreadlord wasn't coined until the Trolloc Wars)


That being said, i suspect you meant the Chosen. Firstly there were more Chosen then the thirteen we know, though how many there were is up to question (we only know that it was enough that their deaths were spoken in large generalities) And logic would dictate that no all of them were as strong as Lanfear and Ishamael... indeed, the fact that Asmodean never grew stronger despite Lanfears assurances that he would, and the way he spoke about himself seemed to indicate the he wasn't all that strong to begin with. So yes, i think that there are definately people in todays time that have the strength to become Chosen... Taim certainly, and probably Alviarin who is strong for an Aes Sedai...


alviarin is strong for an aes sedai, but she didnt even rank up with siuan and the others form the tower, which the chosen refer to as "children", most of them being barely strong enuf to make a gateway.


I dont recall there ever being mention of any other chosen then the 13, alive or dead....

Could you list a source-quote?


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