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Ok guys, I need your help.


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Guest dragonsworn1991

You can do it Torrie, you are in my prayers!


Hopefully they will be answered.  :D



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i figure the thing to do is just that. Keep going. If I give up I will go right back to smoking a pack a day and I cannot have that.


I have to find something to do while I am sitting at home on the weekdays. There are only so many times I can wash clothes or dishes. lol

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Sorry I havn't been here to cheer you on love!  I'm really proud of you too!  WOw!  That little slip of those three..not a big deal...especially since you ONLY had three.  Good girl!!


As most of my Kin family know..I have been failing miserably to quit smooking for the last two years...I know how difficult it is..but i also know that once you reach a point..it does get easier!  Everything smells better..food has an entire new taste and you have money!


Now to keep those hands busy...what crafts do you do?  Maybe this is the time to learn something new?  Use some of the money saved from NOT buying smokes to buy something your really want to do..or to catch up on reading books!  Ursuala gave me a great tip...she had some beads on a string she would play with when she needed something in her hands instead of a ciggarette!


Sunflower seeds work great for me too!  keeps my mouth busy and my hands cracking them and eating them!


*hugs tight*  keep going babe!!

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I like the idea of beads and sunflower seeds. We were using toothpicks but it just does not do it for me.



Most of my crafts are for the kids. lol I tried my hand at knitting but failed. I made one big long line of tread. lol



I want to run again but not at night and night is the worst time for me. I will play the Wii but its not a big thing for me. I would if I could do cross stitching.

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Pay day is Fri so maybe I will go and get the stuff to do it then.


My sister has a birthday party coming up this weekend and there will be drinking. Do you know how hard it is not to smoke while drinking. A few good things though. 

1)cannot smoke inside

2)my sister quit smoking about 1 1/2 years ago, she will help cheer me on.

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The battle is mental and I have found in those cases trickery does not often work. To quit you are doing good by eliminating opportunity. Not sure if you work out but it would be a good time to start as it will assist as both a distraction and with the purging process. Or at least that is what I would say as someone who studies thought process as a hobby.


As just a guy I helped an ex quit. Every time she smoked a cigarette she had to do something for me that she didnt like too much. (Focus everyone, focus, though what she didnt like was gutter related we are here to help Torrie)


Anyways... it worked like a charm :D

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Thanks Sangreal, I plan on getting into running again. I used to do it every other morning before I got pregnant. I will be starting again soon.

The ummm... trick with the ex... won't work.  ;)


What do you do, if I may ask?



I cannot see the link at work Auld. But I will look it up when I get home.  :)

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Im a professional nerd. I work for Blizzard Entertainment right now but I came out of Public Safety where knowing thought process, mostly of criminals, was essential to survival. Like the smoking advice I gave you we worked by eliminating opportunity for crime and serving as a visual distraction. We studied body language to tell us what someone was going to do before they did it and if they would be fight or flight when we approached them. I personally also have an interest in Neural Linguistic Programming. >.>


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I love that you relate me to a criminal  ;)



Ok I screwed up guys. I got a pack.


I just got back from a convention and it was a long long lonely drive there and back.


But the pack is gone and I have the patch on agian. Starting out at day 1.



I need a way to keep from petty arguing with my husband. We both seem to be picking on each other.  :-\

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Well sort of. We did have an argument but it was more of a discussion.


I think it is a mix of both Sam. We have a lot of other stuff going on right now also. Life changing stuff.


So i guess you could call it stress.

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Do your best to turn it into a joke and laugh, then. If it's stress induced, then arguing isn't going to make the stress any better. Have the serious discussions you need to have, but when you catch yourself picking, make it a joke! "And while you're picking up that underwear from the floor, paint the walls, dust the couch, give the dog a bath and for Heaven's sake, get your girlfriend out of the closet!" ;)

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"And while you're picking up that underwear from the floor, paint the walls, dust the couch, give the dog a bath and for Heaven's sake, get your girlfriend out of the closet!"



This is so going in my siggy!






Its getting better but I think I am going to have to give up the patch. I started getting pains going down my arm and into my midrift yesterday.

Took the patch off and they went away. It was bad enough that I could not walk straight.

Kinda scary.






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