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[TV] So You Think You Can Dance


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Are you ready?????  I so am!


Ok, so the auditions rounds actually started in May.  As usual, there's two weeks of auditions and then the Call backs begin.  This week begins the first round of Callbacks in Vegas.  This is where we Really get to see who is gonna cut it or who will fail.  Just like on American Idol, they're going to whittle the group down to the Top 20 Finalists who will then be paired with a partner and compete on the stage.


There's a number of dancers back this year who just missed the top 20 last year, so I'm already pulling hard for them.  And then there's a few who really impressed me and this is the first time I'm seeing them.  I can't wait to see what else they've got!!!


I don't remember there being a lot of breakers shown this time, but as usual there's a LOT of contemporary dancers in the field.  At least two tap dancers, and a few ball room dancers.  There's at least one ballerina that I remember, maybe two.  I'm Really pulling for the ballerinas this year!!!  And I am interested to see how the African dancer fares.


The Vegas callbacks start tonight at 8pm Eastern.  Another round should air Thursday as well.  Once the regular program starts, the regular viewing times will be Wed at 8pm Eastern and Thurs at 9pm Eastern.

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yeah, unfortunately this show has the same licensing deal as AI, I guess which means they won't be aired on the internet.  Which of course I think is BALLS!!!


I'm resorting to means which I usually Completely disagree with, but in cases such as these without having a DVR, it's either miss it or bend.  I didn't see any of the auditions on You Tube.  American Idol performances were available on itunes to download, but I don't know if SYTYCD will be.

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1st solo - Alex - picking my jaw up off the floor. AMAZING!


2nd Solo - ? - Funny stuff!  I love it when the dancers make fun of either themselves or the judges!


Wow, those cuts after the solos were Rough!!!  In fact, I don't remember the callback episode being this brutal in past years.


Nabuya (sp? is an early sentimental favorite. I'm Shocked at his passion in the ballroom choreography!

Natalie & Brandon are also early favorites, both for sentimental reasons of being here last year and not making it and also for just being Amazing the both of them.  And thus her being cut was quite a shock.  What the Hell were they thinking??  At least they put Brandon through.


ACK!  I'm bummed Nabuya got cut!!!!


The brothers from Memphis are also a fun favorite.  I'm glad they advanced all the way to the end!  In fact, other than these brothers and Brandon, I don't really know any of the other dancers and don't have any major favorites.  oh wait, maybe the two whose solos they showed at the top of the show.


any favorites for you??



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Ok I am all caught up.


The bald brother is going to get cut.  I think he is a stronger dancer but his solo with the whoopie cushion is not going to win him a spot.


I hope bendy girl makes it.  She is the one that just had her sister cut and she danced for her life. 


I still don't like Mia.  Her first instinct is to cut everyone.  I still don't understand how they cut that red head.  Of course I don't understand contemporary dance.  When I think they nailed it they cut em and when I think they sucked they love em. 



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Mia is being a total jerk this year so far.  I adore her choreography, but I don't agree with everything she's said in the cuts.  And yeah, I'm worried for the bald brother too.  I think he will be the overall better of the two, but he's got to come up with something else solo-wise.  The teaser for next week showed them both together on the stage so either they both make it or one gets cut.  My money is on one getting cut like they did last year with Katie and the redhead.



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So I didn't get to tune in until 8:30.  I'm not sure what I missed, but I did get to see the funny kid make it and I got to see Katelyn the "bendy girl" make it.  Yaaaaay!!!!


OH NO!!!!!  I Hate it when legalities get in the way!  I remember when Hok couldn't advance to the top 20 because of his visa issue.  It broke my heart.  It breaks my heart now to see Alex turned away because he has a contract which prevents him participating.  He's AMAZING!!!  I hope his contract is short and he can return soon to compete.


I am so Happy that Alex, the breaker from last year made it!  I missed his audition last year, but I saw him perform in the International dance thing that was such a trainwreck.  He's very interesting. 


The brothers are coming up next.  We know now that only one will make it unless the judges pull some sort of crazy add on move, which I doubt.  I was hoping the bald one would make it this year.  But like you said Empy, his solo was cute, but just not anything amazing.  He gave that all to his brother. 


Can't wait for next week to see who gets paired with who!

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Just watched it.


Who do  you think goes home first?


I think Gangler Boy (the one who had to dance for his life and likes the photos) will be the first boy.  I am going with Ballerina girl bites it for the ladies too.

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I was hoping the older brother would make it too, he's close to being too old to participate isn't he? Still I love his brother so I'm very happy he made it, I rooted for him last year! I'm also disappointed that Alex didn't make it. I didn't catch the Vegas episode before this but I am SO DISAPPOINTED the redhead wasn't even in the running when I watched last night's episode :(

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I didn't catch the Vegas episode before this but I am SO DISAPPOINTED the redhead wasn't even in the running when I watched last night's episode :(


Oh Lia, it was HORRIBLE!!!!!  She and Brandon were singled out by Sonja (sp?) just moments before as an example of how to dance the routine.  And they cut her, but kept Brandon.  I think that's the One time I've screamed at the judges on this show.  I cussed 'em good!


Empy, I dunno on the cuts.  I think you're probably right on the guy.  He made it in by the skin of his teeth.  Unless he gets lucky and gets A. a great partner and B. a dance he's comfortable with, he just might be the weakest.  For the girls, I really just don't know.  I don't think I got to see enough of them to form that much of an opinion.  Except Bendy Girl.

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I saw only bits and pieces of auditions and Vegas on Youtube, but I saw almost all of the top 20 cuts. I feel like I need to see more of them before I can figure out who I really like. I'm not even sure who you guys are talking about when you say bendy girl. Is she a blonde? Not the one in the bright blue whose grandparents were around. I think I saw a blonde chick to a back walkover type thing.

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Bendy girl = Kaitlyn, the blonde who wore the grey shorts and wrap top.  She had a sister there who got cut earlier.  Her sister was blonde also, but had curly hair.  She's special because she had to have hip replacement surgery.

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It's such a shame about Alex.  On the other hand, though, he really doesn't need the show since he's already got a job with a major ballet company.


I'm glad Brandon will finally be on the show.  I'm sad and shocked that they didn't put Natalie on, especially since she was so close last year.


I'm not surprised about which of those two brothers made it.


I really don't like it when the judges cut better dancers in favor of worse dancers with more "personality."  What they mean by "personality" often just means being loud and obnoxious in front of the camera.

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Mmmmm... Bendy Girl.... mmmmm


I love the outfits she wears.  I would have let her in just for that.


Mia really hated "The Neck".  I don't think it is fair for judges to have high expectations from a dancer and then get let down.  It seems unfair.  Then you have a dancer you never heard of come in and wow you. 



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It's the premiere of the top 20!  Unfortunately, there's a Huge storm in my area and the local Fox channel thinks they are a super weather team. They've been circling areas on a map for over 10 minutes.  Damn Youz Weatherman!!!!!


According to a reliable Facebook friend, the first number was Amazing.


I'll likely not get to see any of this until I can find a feed later in the week.  I also won't be able to see the results show tomorrow night, so I'll be back as soon as I can catch up.


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1st number great!


2nd number - bad... i think Asian girl was the better of the two


3td number - Poker Face couple was good.


4th - The shorties.. my favorite couple so far.  I just like the broadway guy.


5th number - I think it is bad... This has the guy I think is going home first... and I may be right.  Yveva liked it.


That is all we have watched so far.

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