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She comes, she comes!


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And I do no mean the Amyrlin! I do be having a shiny new bio waiting to be CC'd, but once it is, I do be coming to join your neck of the woods. Olivia is a drinking, smoking, gambling, cleavage-flashing kind of tavern wench who is not afraid to show a little ankle or drink you under the table! I predict a lot of fun, at least on my part. ;)


Anyone interested in picking up the extremely drunk Olivia and her rickety old cart and horse (still piled with a lot of plonk, I assure you) as she meanders too close for comfort, once she is approved?

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Welcome, it is always nice to have some civvies to play with.  Olivia sounds like a ton of fun! 


If you need someone to pick her up I can have my Dedicated, Valeran happen upon her.  Just let me know.

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*eyes from a casual distance*


That one will be a handful I assure you .... She has a penchant for trouble and loves to include company in said trouble.


*glances uneasily at the Red Sister*


Almost make a Red seem reasonable .... no quite, but almost



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