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Soundtrack to write too?


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The same here...but then I have been known to have several tabs open and be RP'ing in two of them and posting/reading on forums in a third whilst chatting on MSN to several people...I think adding music to the mix would be overkill :P

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can't listen to music in English when I write, so generally I'll have classical (especially opera) on.


Estel - generally Puccini, especially Madama Butterfly, or I Pagliacci by Leoncavallo - plus there's a bunch of choral stuff I'll put on

Addison - generally Donizetti, particularly La fille du regiment

Isha - definitely I Pagliacci or some Russian choral stuff I've got

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I have music or the TV on all the time. I can't concentrate without background noise i'm way to ADD for that. *laughs* Oddly I need either rap or rock on to write to. Anything else and I get distracted. My recent three songs I wrote to were/are, Lollipop by lil wayne. Prom queen by lil wayne, and When I grow up by the pussycat dolls.

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