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A few quistions as I am reading through

Jarred Darque

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OK, I just put down book 7, having finished it for hte 3rd time, am about to start on 8 for the second, havent ever read past 9.


My quistions are as follows:

in book 7, near the end, a man pulls Rand from a collapsed floor in aridhol, that man, is it Lews Therin?


also in book 7, did Sammael die in aridhol? (I am thinking not, but I have been wrong befor)


previous quistions. :)

from my best guess, Moraine is not dead, correct? (BTW, I do not remember anyhting from books 8 and 9, been a few years and I have to read twice to remember most stuff)


Aran'gar and the other one, who are they?..this is one I have wondered over the last few years and still have not puzled out, my best guesses are asmodean and lanfear perhaps?


I am sure I have others, just not tat hte top of my head atm, or not important enoughto bug me all the time


oh, one more, I guess there are only 11 books published right now, and Jordan is working on the 12th? when will it be published, and is there any idea how many more books there will be?


Sammael did die in Shadar Logoth, RJ has confirmed this. This isn't really a question the books would answer (other then the complete lack of Sam in any of the books since), so really the only way you could know the answer is for someone to tell you.


As for the man he meets, pay attention to the way he looks and the things he says, also pay attention to the fact that Rand can not since the use of the Power from him. This is KEY!! (if you search this board you'll find the answer in probably a dozen places, along with on the 4th Age Podcast) You'll get a pretty definant answer in KoD.


As for whether or not Moraine is or is not dead, this really is a RAFO, any hints would ruin everything. Sorry.


As for Aran'gar and Osan'gar, read the prolouge to LoC and pay attention to what Osan'gar thinks about Shadar Haran. What he thinks is key, only one Forsaken would think something like that. Also, you know from LoC that Aran'gar uses Saidin, Lanfear couldn't use the MALE half of the source (KEY!!!). Also look to what the DO tells Demandred in the Prolouge about Asmodean. The other thing to pay attention to is order, the DO wouldn't remake a Forsaken recently killed over one killed a while ago.


RJ states that the 12th book will be the final book in the series. He says there's not enough story left to make more then one coherient novel. He is quoted as saying that even if the book has to be 2000 pages long and you need a strap on the binding to carry it, it WILL be the final book. Speculation (because of the size of it, and RJ's health) puts the release sometime in 2009, hopefully early.


I hope this helps you. I tried not to give everything away, just hints to help. If this doesn't help, and you want more hints, or if you're BURNING for a flat out answer, I'll tell you flat out if you REALLY want. (I have no shame :P )


TYVM, when can I expect to find out about moraine? and I will make usre to read that prologue a few times till I am sure. I will look up who that man was though. I have a few other possibilities, some more reasonable than others, these being

Logain, he could be in about that area since his'escape' form the Aed Sedai, but the problem is the man telling rand about Sam's habits, unless Logain is a man from the past reborn...but this leadxs one down the road of what baout everyone else? namely the other men who can channel, cadsuane mentioned that they all start to hear voices, perhaps it is the same thing that rand is going through, just wit ha diff person reborn?


the other far out in left field guess would be the creator himself, if the DO puts his hand on the world, why wouldnt the creator help out once in a while, makes sense with the comment of plans having to be remade if rand died


also of course could be another forsaken, but more unlikely than me previous assumptions I think


You can expect to find out about Moriaine in KoD.


As for the Wanderer, again pay attention to the fact that the Power WAS NOT sensed by Rand, and to the looks. The man doesn't look anything like Logain, and Rand doesn't recognize him. Though you HAVE met this man early in the book.


And, ha!, no he is most certainly not the Creator. :lol:


ok, I did notice the lack of recognition of the power, which could only mean two things, it is the True Power than moggy mentions in book seven, or it is something entirely differant, which I doubt. so far the only mention of use of the true power was that it was in use by the dark side so-to-speak. this is where I thought of it being LTT, the knowledge of sam, the fact that it wasnt ACTUALLY real so he wasnt actually suing the power thus rand wouldnt feel it, and what happened when teh two balefires connected


BTW, is there a search function on this board?


there is the guy that holds the what-ever it is for mogy now? he used it, um I dont know who he is though :/


the only otehr characters I still dont understand alotabout are slayer/luc/lans cousin and aran'gar and osan'gar but those last two used the one power and slayer didnt use the poewr that I know of?


also since oas nor aran is not asmodean, who was there when the door opened up?


The man who holds Mogy's mindtrap is named Moridin, he does use the True Power.


Slayer is both Isalm (Lan's cousin) and Luc (Rand's uncle). Somewhere in the Blight the two met and became one. They are now the DO's main assassin. They wander TAR as "Slayer" and have the ability to appear as either person. Slayer does not use the power, he is more a creature not any kind of Forsaken or anything. We don't really have a full answer on how he works.


Aran'gar and Osan'gar are neither Asmodean. I'm guessing you're refering to the age old question "Who killed Asmodean?" That question has never been answered. There's a thread on this page about it though (it's about 90 pages long). RJ says he'll tell us after the 12th book is realsed in paperback. We do know that it was not Aran'gar or Osan'gar though, because neither of them were reborn until the Prolouge of LoC.

this is where I thought of it being LTT, the knowledge of sam, the fact that it wasnt ACTUALLY real so he wasnt actually suing the power thus rand wouldnt feel it, and what happened when teh two balefires connected

I can't give any good clues as to who he is (other than saying it right out), but it can't be LTT. He died 3000 years ago and his soul is already occupying Rand's body. His soul is Rand's soul, so it can't appear in front of Rand.


also since oas nor aran is not asmodean, who was there when the door opened up?

The WoT FAQ has an article weighing the possible suspects, which I can link you to if you like. Spoilers abound, however, so you might want to wait until after you have read CoT and KoD. RJ thinks the answer should be obvious to even the most casual observer, but clearly it is not :wink: But yeah, like Kadere said, we haven't gotten a straight answer about it yet.


Finish reading the series before you start to reread earlier books, for God's sake. All of your question are clearly answered in the later books.


That's not actually true, the identities of Osan and Aran can be figured out in LoC and same with the identity of the Wanderer in ACoS. The rest of the books will give you some more hints, but none of them ever say "The Osan'gar was ______"


Well I am almost through book 8 now, I dont remmber now if I ever did read book 9, :/ I dont recognize the cover and even the events in book 8 are only vaguely familiar, but like I said, I normally need to read it 2-3 times to catch evreythign. I think after I finish book 11 I am gonna go through another re-read with microsoft-word opened up and take notes on each character.


if you really just become sick of not being able to figure things out, after you're done reading this series this time through (to protect yourself from spoilers) if you want to reread the series, read it with the help of http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/ This website, read along side the books, has footnotes of every chapter. It helps keep characters straight, along with plot lines, dreams, viewings, foretellings, orginizations, and everything else. Basically, it has every answer to every question that we so far have the answers to in the series (with a few exceptions). Anyway, it's a big help.


Another thing that might help with these questions is simply making a list of the forsaken
















Use this as a crib sheet as you figure out Aran'gar and Osan'gar. As well as moridin. It well known fact that the Dark One can transmigrate a dead forsaken's soul to a new body. The only exception to this is if the death in question was the result of balefire. Plus Moridin's use of the true power, and the other forsaken's reaction to him are paramount to unraveling his identity. As far as Aran'gar and Osan'gar, with the fact that both channel saidin, and Aran'gars outrage at the new form, we know that both were male forsaken before they died.


Dismiss all still living forsaken, all female forsaken, and all that died by balefire. This will narrow down the choices.


Well then you missed a lot in that prolouge of LoC where he/she gets angry about being in a female form. It was the Dark One's punishment. Later (in like PoD) he/she begins to like the abilities it offers because he/she begins to stop thinking of himself/herself as ever having been male.


And if you figure out which Forsaken it was who became Aran'gar then you'll understand why he hated the body.


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