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I'm feeling queer (not like gay).... (maybe)


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So, slight headache. Nothing much, just a little something chillin' and relaxin' at the back of my head, occasionally reminding me that it exists. Dry mouth, I crave water. Yet, I have to pee. A lot. Also, occasional blurry memories of grabbing men's bottoms. I wonder what this strange affliction that has come upon me is. Also, some sort of short-term memory... not loss, but it's certainly a little blurry.


Oh deary me.




Post script: Upon looking at myself in the mirror I found that I had become a cat, with three whiskers adorning each of my cheeks and a little black spot I assume must be a snout (does this apply to cats?) on my nose. Also, a little heart.


And my pants smell like beer :(

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Guest dragonsworn1991

But drinking age doesn't matter, because we never abide by it.

At least I dont



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