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Hi y'all!


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Hello everyone :)  I'm new here.  I'm a 21-year old college student from Houston, TX, and just a big lover of fantasy in general. I first read the WoT books about five years ago.  I just finished reading them all through for the...third or fourth time, and in my post-reading, crazy, I-need-my-WoT-fix-now phase, I found these forums ;D My favorite character, by far, is Mat Cauthon, and my favorite book is...probably either TSR or KoD.


I have a question about the Orgs, which look really cool. I was wondering, is there any limit on how many you can join? (I feel like I read something about this somewhere on here, but I don't remember where or what it said.)

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Welcome to DM!


There is no limit on the number of ORGs you can join, but it is recommended you start out with a few before joining all. I've been here nearly 5 years, and still only really active in 1 and post often in 2 others. Have a good look at all the ORGs, and hopefully see you at the Band's Campfires for a Brew or two. ;)

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Haha, Corki, if it's any consoloation, I'm definitely interested in joining the Band!  I think it's just gonna have to wait a week or two, because then finals won't be swallowing me whole :P  But music and traveling are two of my biggest loves, so how could I not check out the Band? ;)


Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.  And thanks for the advice on the Orgs.  I think I'm just going to join 1 or 2 to start off with.  I'm already having lots of fun in the WT, thanks to you lovely people :)

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