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I make webpages.


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But I only have one site, which I'm re-doing anyways, cause it sucks. Is this good enough for me to make a portfolio for on the SG Wiki?


And so you peoples are aware, I am at school learning to do webpages now, hence my only having one site thusfar. I should have a few more by the end of August.


Also, if you want your own personal page, I can't do hosting (I will do temporary hosting until the site is completed, but it'll be taken down after that), but I can do up a small site for you. Because its a free service I'm offering here, I'll do single pages only, they must be personal (no commercial services) and no forms or flash (I haven't learned flash yet). You also have to have content and pictures for me to put in to the site. I'm willing to do a banner or logo, but you have to describe what you want.


Also, you must be prepared to expect nothing before May or June, and I get to keep a copy of the website to put into my portfolio. More restrictions may apply.

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... barm, your signature reminds me of The Game, the game where you're not supposed to think about the game else you lose the game and say it aloud to get as many people as you can to lose the game too...


yeah, i just so totally lost, didn't I?

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