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*pokes head in*


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I bet some of you have seen me lurking around, and I decided to stop by.  Actually I tried to go to the off site boards but I either forgot my username or something and it wouldn't let me login.  Wow, what a difference a year makes.  They let squishy be the leader of an entire Org?!!!  shocking :D


Do you pity me? fool?


Not much sitting around and catching up with everyone while I'm waiting on one of my developers to finish a deployment.  It's like working but without the doing stuff to make the time go faster O.o


I get paid for it in the respect that I make an annual salary, but I do not get paid overtime so technically I am NOT getting paid for working on weekends and nights.  But it's all kind of part of the role.  Though I am planning on changing jobs soon, I actually have an interview with a new company in Indianapolis on Tuesday of this week.  Too much overtime and too little compensation makes Tai an unhappy employee.


P.S. can someone get back to me about my login for the offsite boards???


*hops around adjusting himself*


I didn't call you any name besides the one that I've always heard you called :P


I missed pi-e day didn't I?  *throws a pie at squishy*


:o blimey...it's Tai!!


*is in shock*


Where did you go?


Anyway, welcome back!


There are threads on every Org to go and revive if you wish on the pie front. But we can' always turn this into a food fight thread. :D


*throws custard pie at Tai*


haha I backpacked through Afghanistan for a year and studied under a mystic in an attempt to find my inner child....  No really, I took on a lot more responsibilities at my job which consisted of lots and LOTS of weekends and nights, and then after that I kept meaning to come back but always put it off.



mmmm... custard... *eats the pi*


So, how has everyone been in m absence?  Any major life altering events that I missed?


I know you do Demi, I'm a lovable guy.


well I guess that BT needs someone to spam the boards.  Squishy, is SM still around?  Or has our little Bleach club been permanently dismantled?


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