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Aiel Around?


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  They are very few Aiel left around. And the way I see it, the "Let's give Ghaul a headache" club is getting bigger. Oh well, he has survived this far, he will survive more too



  P.S. I need to find me some more warriors


I am submitting my bio now.  ;)

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I'm plugging along on my bio.  That isn't to say that it's going to be a novella (since I don't tend to get that crazy-long), but that I keep getting distracted with little things, and it distracts from the thought processes. :)

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  If you have Aiel related questions feel free to ask me. I used to be in charge of the Aiel until an year ago when I stepped down because I had to tackle my thesis. And since I was, and still am, an Aiel maniac I am something like a walking encyclopedia on Aiel matters.


  And yes, I do have the 45 bios of the Aiel Div, though my own is not amongst them. It seems to be lost


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Hey Stan do you have your ickle little wifes bio as well? I do still have mine but its on my laptop and i've not had the energy to turn that mess back on and dig things out? *bats eyelashes and grins*


Also..I have new WO in training do I not? *gets excited*

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Well Muirkins, I think she's supposed to boot our rumps into Rhuidean as well... *lol*


As for scores and things - Muirkins was going to channel, if I recall, I cannot remember right off-hand if Quis was, and my Ferena wasn't.  However, my Ferena is intended to be a Dreamwalker if at all possible to assist Muirkins in a later roleplay. :)

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