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Mussings from the side of the road.


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Well I'm currently stranded on the side of the road.  It's at this moment that I realize that what the dealer says I'm supposed to get MPG wise is a load of bull.  Now I have a motorcycle that doesn't have a gas gauge so I jave to watch the milage.  I've never driven it to the limit of it's supposed distance.  But do certain circumstances I had to attempt to today.  Now I know, that even though I should be able to go150 miles, I can only go about 120 at approximately 75-80 MPH.  So my fellow seanchan this is what you should learn:

1.  Car/Motorcycle dealers/manufacturers are lynig sacks of crap.


2. Always trust your instincts when they tell you to fill up the day before.


3. Stay back from the side of the road whem you have no means of alerting oncoming traffic of your presence.


4. Always get the gas gauge option

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Yah, I believe mpg is calculated at the most optimal speed, which is around 50mph. Gas mileage makes a hill-shaped graph when compared to speed, meaning it starts bad at low speeds, gets better until it hits around 50-55mph, then drops again. So if you were going that fast, you were using gas faster than you'd need to use it to get your best mpg. Although, I guess I don't know that it's the same high point on a motorcycle as on a car. It might be a higher (or lower) speed on a bike. So I guess I don't really have any helpful information after all.  ;D

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