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Since Dwyn so kindly pointed this out...


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*gropes the Keeper*


heehee! you wondered what it was in the BT that made me grope people there and not in other ORGs, so I figured I'd prove to ya that it's just not there that I do that! ;D


you left yourself open for that one, dear Mentor o' mine!

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Sure!  But you’ll have to take a number, pay here, and get in line.


*points to a sign above her head that states, “Grope the Keeper, $5. Benefits to proceed the Blue Ajah*


Hey, it was my idea to charge for the privilege so I get to choose where the proceeds go!  ;D


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Now, now, no squabbling.  You can all grope me, as long as you each pay the $5.00 groping fee.


Since Pol and Xaf both got their turns, they need to pay the $5.00 and let the others in line go before they get another turn.  :P  I think that means it's Pandy's turn.

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