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Making a return


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So I am going to try and make a return here to the tower. I have been gone for awhile I know but I miss writing with all the great people here. Only problem is that my warder no longer writes here so I will have to figure out what to do about that.


Elyssa Lliet


Blue Sister

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Heya darlin'!  I was just talking to someone abuot you the other day... glad to see the old axiom holds true about talking about someone, and then showing up.  *grins*


There are more options than you might believe in bonding.  Besides there being a healthy stock of new Warders being trained, the Black Tower is finally working their way up to official bondings, instead of kidnapping and sillies... and I see to recall at least one somewhat interested in possibly bonding a Blue!



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I can see it now Ely bonded by an Ashaman. That would be delitful.


Who were you talking to about me? I'm not worthy of discussion.


I've missed this place and my fingers were getting itchy to write again so I was like I'm coming back I need it.

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Because claire here just came back too, and asked after you! 


There is a -total- lack of Blue Sisters right now, but Raeyn is always at your disposal if you wish to use her.  She has a fondness for Blues... and Reds.  I don't know how that worked out, but that's totally the case.

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We are going to have to remedy that. Are we still short a Blue head?


It's really touching to me that you guys ask after me my friends in Cali don't even ask about me and I moved to CO a year ago.


*dances around cause she's 29 today*

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Wait what thread, where's the link. *rubs head* I will see if I can find it Tig. Welcome back Elyssa, I am so happy to see you. If you need any help, let me know. There is currently no Blue Ajah Head and no Sitters, so ya playing with a Blue might be a bit difficult for you. *G* Arani, you can look at any of the Ajahs at this link at the bottom and it will show you how many members we have in each ajah.


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I can be the blue head if you would like I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon. I was thinking of doing an RP post where I kill my warder off and that is why I was gone for so long. Getting permission from him first cause I don't want to kill him off if he ever wants to come back and rp with that character so as soon as I get the permission I will post something.


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